Example sentences of "a [noun sg] she have been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now she had become a pensioner she had been able to give up work as a midwife , and she spent much of her time on her allotment :
2 He 'd blame it all on the beer and the sherry , he 'd say with a laugh she 'd been right to tell him not to take any .
3 As a teenager she had been frail and very light , and although now she is two stone heavier , and healthier for it , she still believes that young women should be thin , even skeletally so .
4 A hint she had been blind to because the very notion of suicide was so antithetical to her own nature .
5 Bluebeard had been a private joke — an exclamation she had been unable to stifle as they 'd rounded the cliff at the head of the valley and she had got her first glimpse of the imposing turreted Castell Rocamar .
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