Example sentences of "a [noun sg] of this [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 In a framework of this kind the processes of history are necessarily viewed as a decline from a Golden Age .
2 As a result of this case the UK is now obliged to change its legislation because Community law takes precedence over conflicting national law .
3 As a result of this work the Coordinating Committee for Under Fives ( CCUF ) , an umbrella organisation of statutory and voluntary sector groups and individuals providing a service to under fives , decided to organise a conference to look at the issues of integration of special needs children within mainstream provision .
4 As a result of this development the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher is sometimes unavailable at times when it is most needed , i.e .
5 and as a result of this petition the public and association .
6 As a result of this report the caretaker was informed that if he did not mend his ways he would be discharged .
7 As a result of this intrusion the Nganasans were pushed farther north into the tundra , and a lasting enmity between them and the Dolgans was created .
8 As a result of this policy the Arab states as a whole had lost about US$25,000 million since 1987 through falling oil prices .
9 As a result of this action the ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Liaison Project was established .
10 And on a car of this class the steering column ought to adjust for rake as well as reach .
11 As a sign of this substitution the ancient totem meal was revived in the form of communion , in which the company of brothers consumed the flesh and blood of the son — no longer the father — obtained sanctity thereby and identified themselves with him .
12 To those who do make a commitment of this kind the Commission expresses its admiration and appreciation , particularly in the light of the small salaries paid to most church musicians .
13 It is possible to see in a catalogue of this sort the origins of the very exact nomenclature found in many of Mary Leapor 's landscape descriptions ( see chapter three below ) .
14 For a fossil of this age the preservation is remarkable , because the original colour banding is preserved , showing as broad , V-shaped patterns .
15 The vagueness of this is understandable if it was simply intended to encourage the raising of a fleet before the meeting discussed it , and the archbishop later inserted with his own hand into a version of this chapter the words " if it is decided upon " .
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