Example sentences of "a [noun sg] of [noun] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Bee Moore , who worked in Westlands and was a sister of Paccy Moore the shoemaker , had heard that Eve was dead from horrible injuries and that Benny was in such shock she could n't be told .
2 Because the scheme also involves a reduction of share capital the company will need to follow the procedures for a reduction as set out in ss135-138 of the 1985 Act .
3 A statue of St John the Baptist , patron saint of the Knights of Malta , stands in the centre .
4 Held , dismissing the action , that the statutory framework leading to the grant of planning permission envisaged that a local planning authority would balance the interests of the community against those of individuals ; that where a planning authority had granted consent to the development of an area , the measure of disturbance to individuals had to be considered against the changed character of the neighbourhood and those living close to a public highway affected by that change had to accept the increased volume of traffic in the greater public interest ; and that , accordingly , since as a result of planning permission the two roads now gave access to a commercial dock operating 24 hours a day , the serious disturbance to individuals from the movement of heavy goods vehicles was not an actionable nuisance ( post , pp. 460G–H , 461A–C , H — 462B , C–F ) .
5 A repeat of Paul Merton The Series and a new series of Julian Clary 's Sticky Moments begins on Channel 4 on September 11 .
6 Other planning authorities prefer not to impose standard conditions but refer each application on its own merits , and whenever there is a likelihood of odour emission the matter is referred to the Director of Environmental Health and his advice either incorporated into the planning application or is covered by a condition .
7 On the contrary , it is a consortium of humanities scholars the likes of which we need anyway to establish more and better contact with .
8 Replacing either of them — and they ran the series as a sort of family business the Marks and Spencer of movie comedy — would have been professional suicide .
9 For a body of mass m the relation between the momentum and velocity four-vectors is as in the classical case .
10 MB and MC measure the marginal benefit to your neighbour and marginal cost to you of a tree of size S. The efficient size is S * where the marginal cost and benefit are equal .
11 After a spell of squadron service the aircraft was transferred to the Air Force Academy .
12 Her father , John Coltman , a pupil of John Aikin the elder [ q.v. ] , was a scholarly worsted manufacturer ; her mother , Elizabeth Cartwright , was a skilled handicraftswoman , a published poet and book reviewer , and a friend of Robert Dodsley and William Shenstone [ qq.v . ] .
13 A pupil of Augustus Pugin the elder [ q.v. ] , in the mid-1830s he became a partner of his father .
14 A Society of King Charles the Martyr ( SKCM ) was formed in 1894 , and the Royal Martyr Church Union in 1908 .
15 MRS Krysia Clews , a parishioner of St John the Evangelist , Poulton , is organising a special day in honour of the Divine Mercy on Sunday , 18th April — the day on which Sister Faustyna is beatified in Rome .
16 The first cohort of seven was as follows : a daughter of Salah Muhammad , headmaster ; a daughter of teacher Fawzi , the Egyptian who had brought his family to Huaiwiri ; a daughter of Muhammad Hammad the oasis nurse ; a sister of Hammad Haiba , a trader , head of his household since their father died ; a sister of Abdullah Muhammad , a conscript soldier , head of his household since their father died ; a daughter of Abdulrahman Yadm , a gardener ; a niece of Abdulkarim Faraj ( daughter of his widowed sister ) , a trader .
17 Henry VIII was horrified by what he understood of Luther 's theology , and , in an attempt to rebut it during the early 1520s , he wrote with the help of a number of court scholars the theological tract The Assertion of the Seven Sacraments , for which he was rewarded by the pope with the title ‘ Defender of the Faith ’ .
18 Miracles were performed at his tomb and until the Reformation there was a cult of St Richard the Hermit there .
19 I was keeping a glass of chablis company the other day with Jonathan Hayden and Fiona Brownlee from Pavilion Books , and we got talking about what might have happened in grown-up life to the heroes and heroines of the children 's books of our youth .
20 A lot of people scarf the neck to keep costs down , but I wanted the quality .
21 Without a system of progress evaluation the manager will not know until the end , whether he has succeeded .
22 Broadcasting via a system of street loudspeakers the radio is on the air for three hours each Sunday .
23 The second point er chairman is that one particular solution adopted by a couple of County Councils the one in particular has been to have a local act requiring registration of car boot sales which gives enforcement officers a chance to know they 're going to happen and it also requires display of names and addresses not suggesting it is not entirely suggest that is here but late last night we simply felt we want to talk about the possibility of a framework enabling this legislation which will allow that to happen on national basis oh , as a way of controlling this , this sort of activity .
24 In a couple of years time the other schools have gone past you and you suddenly find these services that you need to buy in are become very expensive and become unattainable because you 've been spending your money in other directions .
25 She once summed up to a gathering of marketing specialists the extent of her success , which earned The Body Shop the award of business of the year in 1987 :
26 Then for a section of length l the deflection y is given , to a good approximation by
27 ‘ The earlier we can obtain an indication of implant failure the better , ’ explained head of the Bone and Biomaterials Group at Harwell .
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