Example sentences of "a [noun sg] on [noun sg] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The presidential elections were partially boycotted in the predominantly Russian area of the Dnestr region , which had held its own presidential elections on Dec. 1 , together with a referendum on independence for the region .
2 Cobbett indicates that , at least in Kent , the working class was not yet reconciled to exchanging a cottage on earth for a mansion in heaven : ‘ they appeared to me to be thinking much more about getting houses for themselves in this world first : just to see a little before they entered , or endeavoured to enter , or even thought much about , those ‘ houses ’ of which the parson was speaking ; houses with pig-styes and little snug gardens attached to them , together with all the other domestic and conjugal circumstances . ’
3 A DEFENDANT on trial for a horrifying knife murder was on the run last night after walking out of the Old Bailey .
4 For fifty years the precise form of the subsidies varied : that of 1513 combined a tax on rank for the nobles with an income or property tax for commoners ; that of 1514 taxed wages as well as landed incomes and property ; in 1540 only those with landed incomes or property above £20 had to pay .
5 Astra does not expect to make a profit on omeprazole for a few years yet , and — unfortunately for Astra — Glaxo has the resources to continue the scientific tussle .
6 ‘ I have to decide whether to get a goalkeeper on loan for the rest of the season in case something happens to Pears .
7 They both started by declaring a moratorium on building for the civil service , so time went by and little advance was made .
8 Shareware libraries provide you with a program on disk for a ‘ nominal ’ sum — they are providing the program for free , and charging only for the disk , duplicating and administration , all of which includes a small amount of profit , I suppose .
9 The Church of Ireland appears to have had this in mind when it invited the well-known English Roman catholic marriage consultant , Dr Jack Dominian , to provide a report on divorce for the Church of Ireland General Synod .
10 Kathleen Kiernan of the London School of Economics , author of a report on cohabitation for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation , reckons that many single mothers lived with boyfriends who later walked out .
11 There is a fortune on offer for the side that go into the European Cup 's mini-league , the build-up has been intense and not many of the players will have taken part in a bigger or more crucial event .
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