Example sentences of "a [noun sg] with [art] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Give weak nails a boost with a specially formulated strengthener like Nail Magic .
2 A slop-basin with a beautifully painted stag hunt and boar hunt , circa 1730 , sold for £26,000 ( $44,400 ) , estimate £12–18,000 .
3 Both were initiated by Billy , a 16-year-old with a recently acquired impairment who had only been with the group for a year .
4 Confidentially plus a relationship with a well equipped company within an independent international group which is unlikely to have interests or conflicts in the end product markets .
5 Pierson ( 1981 ) suggested that a sample with the brightest observed luminescence be kept in the chamber and used as a reference against which the intensity of other sample areas could be less arbitrarily judged .
6 The White Paper sets out the details of the formula ( DSS , 1990a ; see also Millar and Whiteford , 1991 for further details and a comparison with the recently introduced Australian scheme ) .
7 Close to a rocky outcrop were discovered the remains of two bronze statues covered in marine concretions a draped figure 170cm high with no base and only half its head preserved and a bust with a badly corroded head .
8 It is a monopoly with a little managed competition on the fringes .
9 A Sergeant with a crudely reconstructed pink blob of a nose — obviously bitten off at some stage in his professional or previous career — sat at a damascened bronze data-desk stained green with cupreous patina .
10 Without defining ethics , they believe that we have been acting unethically : they describe a typical case in which elective ventilation might be considered — a patient with a clearly diagnosed fatal cerebral injury who undergoes respiratory arrest .
11 ‘ It 's the Best Exercise ! ’ was what she yelled at Robert every time the Dobermann came for Badger at about thirty miles an hour with the clearly expressed intention of biting his head off .
12 There was an easy chair and a television set , but the room was dominated by a table covered in paints and an easel with a partly finished painting on it .
13 They entered so late that Pitt had had plenty of time to prepare to attack them , and his expeditions captured Havana and Manila ; as a result Britain took the Spanish colony of Florida , an area with a loosely defined western frontier lying somewhere a little east of New Orleans .
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