Example sentences of "a [noun sg] that they could be " in BNC.

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1 If everything tumbled into place there was just a chance that they could be on the same ferry as the Renault , at 1330 hours the next day .
2 Upper mainplanes were built in three sections , the lower ones in four ; the lower outer sections , most vulnerable to damage , were joined beneath the interplane struts in such a manner that they could be removed without deranging the remainder of the structure .
3 It had been a puzzle that they could be knocked around in interaction with each other and yet emerge unscathed , the same as they had been at the beginning .
4 The purpose of the apparatus was to file world trade marks in such a way that they could be easily produced to check for similarity and prior registration .
5 According to Townsend 's estimates , over half the people in Britain at some state in their lives may well experience relative deprivation to such an extent that they could be said to be ‘ in poverty ’ for those periods .
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