Example sentences of "a [noun sg] was [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 It would be desirable if randomised trials in general , and preventive trials in particular , were an integral part of medical practice , adopted whenever a new approach needed assessment and a trial was judged to be the best way of accomplishing this objective .
2 A wave was considered to be peristaltic if the interval between the onset of two pressure waves , recorded at adjacent points 5 cm apart , was more than 0.5 seconds ( corresponding to a progression velocity of less than 10 cm/s ) .
3 Indeed , a quota was said to be imposed on the number of warrants which the Home Office would permit the police at any one time in order to ensure that the need for existing warrants was carefully scrutinized .
4 Ironically , Lorentz 's disagreement with then-Prime Minister Edith Cresson over having NEC as a shareholder was said to be a prime reason for his departure .
5 Soldiers wiped out a village in south Sumatra 's Lampung province in 1989 because a zealot was thought to be preaching fundamentalism ( it has emerged he was just griping about land ownership ) .
6 When I tried to discover just what was really meant when it was said of a particular girl that she had been " married " in this sense seven times before she was nineteen , I was told that if a girl was seen to be cooking a meal for a man this was evidence that she was " married " to him .
7 A loop was thought to be possible and there were those who claimed to have seen one .
8 It is , however , by no means certain that such a limitation was intended to be introduced by the Court of Appeal .
9 Partly through Agitprop and partly through the Black Dwarf group a free-sheet was produced to be handed out on the dockers ' march .
10 Initially a meter was thought to be desirable for accurate monitoring , but now there are available test strips which do not require a meter and are sufficiently accurate for the purpose if correctly used ( Ferguson & Prosser , 1980 ) .
11 * Transport of all fuel containers from the Siemens factory in Karlstein-Aschaffenburg , in Bavaria , has been banned by state environment officials , after a lorry was found to be carrying 50 radioactive fuel rods , containing 109 kg of uranium , across the state .
12 The cost of using a library was considered to be significant by all .
13 A man was meant to be doubtful about himself but undoubting about the truth .
14 The omission of positive words in the statute requiring a hearing was held to be no bar since the justice of the common law would supply the omission of the legislature .
15 The possibility of permission being granted for such a hunt was thought to be instrumental in persuading Japan not to break ranks with the IWC .
16 The cost per day of medical , nursing , and hotel services on a ward was estimated to be £128 .
17 If a duty was held to be owed , then it would probably be discharged by the warning notice .
18 In Bugge v Taylor ( 1940 ) 104 JP 467 the forecourt of a hotel was held to be a road .
19 The absence of such a scheme was said to be a disincentive to those who might otherwise be encouraged to exercise their inventive talents to the full .
20 As well as needing a licence , they were for example allowed to advertise only in a very restricted way , were not allowed to employ people to canvass for loans , had to include an interest rate in loan contracts , and risked having the terms of a loan altered by a court if they were judged ‘ harsh and unconscionable ’ — interest over 48 per cent a year was taken to be excessive unless there was some evidence to the contrary .
21 Last month more than a thousand women in Birmingham were recalled after a nurse was said to be using the wrong type of spatula .
22 Discovery to find the identity of a wrongdoer was held to be available against anyone against whom the plaintiff has a cause of action in relation to the same wrong ; someone who has become ‘ mixed up in the affair ’ and incurred any liability to the person wronged must make full disclosure on that point even though the person wronged has no intention of proceeding against him .
23 The other important thing is that a spotlight was going to be shone on this programme and that would reveal both the beauty spots of community care and the warts and the carbuncles .
24 An SBU was taken to be any subsidiary business interest of the group which could be said to be largely separable and could be treated as having a commercial life of its own .
25 Although an attempt was made to be representative in the choice of these films it is clear that if the effects observed are of any practical significance it should be possible to observe them on a more varied stimulus set .
26 The speaking decision of a surveyor acting as an expert was pronounced to be a nullity in Apus Properties Ltd v Douglas Henry Farrow Ltd [ 1989 ] NPC 38 .
27 The respondent having in June , 1882 , taken out a summons for leave to proceed on the judgment , an issue was directed to be tried between the respondent as plaintiff and the appellant as defendant whether any and what amount was on July 1 , 1882 , due upon the judgment .
28 This was Bill Erlich versus Colin Tuck , and anything that was personal in an investigation was going to be a bloody nuisance .
29 Such an idea was beginning to be put forward at least as early as the 1720s .
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