Example sentences of "a [noun sg] is [vb pp] over the " in BNC.

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1 The classes are on certain days of the week only , but enrolment is not expensive given that a term is structured over the usual academic year .
2 Various techniques to promote reflux while imaging have been attempted , such as abdominal cuffing , in which a binder is placed over the abdomen and the pressure is increased by inflating it with air .
3 In many cases , a shrine is erected over the anthill and women can be seen lighting candles and praying to the Deity within .
4 Sunlight at the top of the vent pipe attracts flies from within the pit and if a gauze is fitted over the top they fall back and die in the pit .
5 If there is a lazy eye , a parch is placed over the good eye to force the lazy one to work .
6 Sir Christopher Wren sits behind his desk , large as life and at least as natural , until a cloth is draped over the leather bound book concealing the projector , and his head is revealed as a white splodge which takes 80 hours of modelling .
7 Similar loading continues onto the upper triangle ( no space can be left in the middle ) , still keeping the corners well built up , and finally a cap is built over the tripod tips .
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