Example sentences of "a [noun sg] is [adv] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 The ability to accurately locate a noise is particularly important for the animals which use sound to find their way around .
2 The writing of a biography is simply impossible for more than a few major churchmen and even fewer secular rulers in the early Middle Ages .
3 According to the DoT 's own guidelines such a figure is too much for a dual carriageway .
4 The Act continues : ‘ Where a children 's hearing are satisfied in a case concerned with an offence mentioned in the Criminal Procedure ( Scotland ) Act of 1975 , that the attendance of a child is not necessary for the just hearing of that case , or in any case where they are satisfied that it would be detrimental to the interest of the child to be present at the hearing of his case , the case in whole or in part , may be considered in the absence of the child . ’
5 In the Far East it is said that a girl is not eligible for marriage until she can cook a perfect bowl of rice .
6 A failure to warn that a product is not suitable for a particular purpose may give rise to liability : e.g. that fireworks are not suitable for indoor use .
7 Such a service is particularly useful for people who only want to sell a few privatisation shares .
8 ( 4 ) The chairman of a licensing board or , in his absence , the clerk of the board may , if a quorum is not present for any such meeting of the board , call a further meeting in place of the meeting not held .
9 And the partner who purchases the reversion on such a lease is fully accountable for any profit made on re-sale ( see Thompson 's Trustee v Heaton [ 1974 ] 1 WLR 605 ) .
10 By emphasising style of leadership and the importance of human relations , it is all too easy to forget that a manager is primarily responsible for ensuring that tasks are done efficiently and effectively .
11 A man is not punishable for a serious crime committed by another unless he has actually instigated the commission of a crime , and then he will be punishable though the crime committed may differ in some degree from that which he instigated .
12 A will is also necessary for anyone wanting to provide beyond their immediate family , and for anyone concerned about tax consequences after death .
13 A will is particularly important for anyone with children , especially if you are a separated or unmarried parent .
14 And such a statement is equally valid for non-parallelistic lines .
15 To appoint a receiver is more convenient for the mortgagee than taking possession .
16 Generally , the residence of a trust is not important for inheritance tax .
17 Such a position is very unusual for men .
18 ‘ Even losing a goal is occasionally good for you because it brings you back to earth and helps you retain a sense of vulnerability . ’
19 Such a lifespan is not uncommon for a captive tortoise , the oldest one recorded being a male , which lived on Mauritius for 152 years .
20 A pumice is also ideal for dealing with tough skin on the heels or soles of feet .
21 When there are no pensions , bearing a son is absolutely vital for old-age security .
22 However , a tail-wheel is more convenient for ground handling , particularly as with these types of glider the tail is extremely heavy and awkward to lift when the glider needs turning around on the ground .
23 It should be noted that an omission is not sufficient for unlawful act manslaughter and that neglect ( omission ) and negligence are not the same thing .
24 One might have thought that the context makes it clear that horses is to be interpreted as ‘ stallions ’ ; however , such an interpretation is not available for this type of sentence .
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