Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun sg] should [not/n't] be " in BNC.

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1 Any commission paid to a foreign sub-agent should not be charged to the artist .
2 There is no reason why a British robot should n't be just as productive as a Japanese one .
3 That does not mean that people who have recognition as a high priority should not be managers .
4 Obviously , a sensible consumer should not be surprised that , given the same number of weeks to pay , an increase in any one measure of cost is paralleled by increases in the other two measures .
5 It is very important that a peace-keeping force should not be sent to Yugoslavia until there is a peace to keep , and until it is clear that all the warring parties both invite and allow that peace-keeping force to operate .
6 The bass of a 1st inversion should not be doubled in any of the upper parts if a clear , clean sonority is aimed at .
7 If this is possible , even easy , in the case of music , I see no reason why a similar pattern should not be established in other subjects , especially those where the feasibility of graded tests has already been established .
8 The possibility that parts of the business could be sold off as a going concern should not be overlooked .
9 A previous decision should not be departed from merely because the House considers it to be wrong and only rarely should questions of construction be reconsidered .
10 There is no reason why a legal issue should not be determined by a legal expert .
11 The importance in science of a good name should not be underestimated .
12 A beautiful woman should n't be alone ! ’
13 Some non-permanent members of the Council complain that imposing a punitive peace should not be the job of the UN .
14 If a two-car transport system ca n't be set up , a double traverse should not be too taxing , leaving the car at the starting point village of Rhydd Ddu on the A4085 .
15 Such a condition is particularly appropriate where the proposed development is undesirable on a long-term view , but there is no reason why a temporary permission should not be granted .
16 The first birth also should be deferred beyond this age , but a first child should not be postponed too long either ( at least , not beyond age 35 ) .
17 And then , I would n't be too sure that the food market of a big city should n't be counted as part of its artistic tradition .
18 Apart from the restraint of trade considerations there would seem to be no reason why a contract under which one person undertakes to keep silent on a particular subject should not be enforceable in accordance with its terms .
19 Wedding rituals in either case are a classic example of how the statements made by participants in a particular context should not be taken literally or at face value but must be interpreted as standing for something else , rich in ambiguity and figures of speech .
20 There could be nothing more suspicious than a Secretary of State or one of his administrative officials deciding for political or administrative reasons that a particular accident should not be investigated when a vital matter of air safety was at issue .
21 Though one can question the exact proportion allocated to education , it is impossible to argue that a certain proportion should not be so allocated .
22 Nevertheless , a new home should n't be so small as to rule out the possibilities of shared living again one day .
23 The Council has therefore reached the view that a formal scheme should not be introduced at this time but that members should be encouraged to take young intrants into their offices if they are able to do so , and the Council therefore recommends members to consider whether they can offer this facility to young people in their areas .
24 Second , the greater profitability of restaurants and garages along an upgraded road should not be included , as this is simply a reflection of more journeys undertaken along this route and represents only a transfer of business from other establishments on less popular routes .
25 The Code was later amended to reflect the difficulty which had arisen in the case , which concerned the selection of an estranged parent as an ‘ appropriate adult ’ to be present during the interviewing of a juvenile : see now Code C Note 1C , which provides that an estranged parent should not be asked to fulfil this role if the juvenile objects to his presence .
26 In contrast , an active attack should not be left unattended and can be identified by the clean appearance of the ‘ flight holes ’ and the little patches and piles of fresh bore dust which fall from them .
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