Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun] that be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This may , of course , have been a retrospective opinion that was at least tinged with 25 years ' subsequent experience and challenged , both before and after , the worldwide definitions of the late 1940s which seemed to require that the Vietminh should have been put into either one of two boxes , nationalist or communist , but not both .
2 Despite a 1991 that saw her largely relieved of the pressure of the tabloid press charting a private life that was in turmoil over allegations against her father Peter ( since disproved ) , the last twelve months have brought her only limited satisfaction .
3 For the do-it-yourself bar user it is best to settle for a narrow bar that is at least one millimetre thick .
4 For example , Abbey National kept existing borrowers waiting until December 1992 for a lower rate that was on offer to new homebuyers in October 1992 .
5 German unification , as severe a jolt to the system as you could imagine , obliged the Bundesbank , the system 's de facto anchor , to adopt a monetary policy that was at odds with the needs of its partners .
6 I mean I think that there still are quite a few areas that are off limits for women , but in those areas where women have gained admittance , have they gained acceptance ?
7 At this stage it may be sensible to rely on your instinct but a further step that is worth trying is to give each candidate a simple task to perform that is related in some way to the post which is to be filled .
8 Now , it 's illogical for a so-called Government that 's in power with all the financial expertise to talk about getting shut of it and leave it in to cause misery to people .
9 As discussed in Chapter 7 , ageing increases the tendency for us to become ‘ larks ’ — and some of us are ‘ larks ’ anyway — because the body clock has then a free-running period that is below the average for the population as a whole .
10 Thoreau described a similar state that is beyond words to express adequately : ‘ There comes into my mind such an indescribable , infinite , all absorbing , divine , heavenly pleasure , a sense of elevation and expansion , and I have had nought to do with it …
11 The drawing suggests that instead of a constant aim that is on target at every moment .
12 With well written characters the words fit and flow so that the actor can ride with ease , and the thoughts , no matter how disjointed , have a natural quality that is at once ‘ actable ’ .
13 He had brown wavy hair and a hoarse voice that was in the process of breaking .
14 He argues that his work is not Edwardian in projection , that his pictures borrow something from other eras , but have a buoyant vitality that is of their own time .
15 Never was a labour more arduous , and it was without his former youthful enthusiasm that Picasso began on a great canvas that was to be the first result of his researches . ’
16 Remembering past insults , Isabel finally looked up , into a steely-eyed glare that was like a sword-thrust to her heart .
17 In other words , the perception is a mental effect that is at one step in the causal chain beyond the physical events .
18 a raised footpath that was before
19 that 's a good job that is in it ?
20 I have read of a good bishop that was to be burnt for his religion ; and he tried how he could bear it , by putting his fingers into the lighted candle : so I t' other day tried , when Rachel 's back was turned , if I could not scour a pewter plate she had begun .
21 I have read of a good bishop that was to be burnt for his religion .
22 The sound of the explosion melded into a terrible noise that was like an animal dying in awful , bellowing pain , but beneath that sound of agony was a harsh metallic scrape and clash that punched at my belly and eardrums .
23 Her eyes were still wide open , a blind stare that was without any expression of intelligence .
24 It is , rather , a mature market that is in decline .
25 Uniformitarianism triumphed because it provided a general theory that was at once logical and seemingly " scientific " .
26 Mozart 's letters from Frankfurt are full of references to a mysterious deal that was to be the solution to all their problems .
27 During the five years , say , of a franchise , they will work out whether there 's a long-term business that 's worth investing in .
28 One evening in the park the previous summer he had made a frank gesture that was like a question , and one side of her had wanted to say ‘ Yes ’ , but she had said ‘ No , Len , ’ and he had taken his hand away , and kissed her , and quietly accepted her decision .
29 Er , I make the point I think that , erm , we should oppose the er , Deregulation Bill if it 's based on providing deregulation by Ministers , because I think that 's a constitutional point that is of great import , but the , the rest of it erm , are really sets of principles that I hope you 'd agree to , subject to amen amendment and dis discussion , because the information that we got is that the consultation period is going to be very tight indeed , and that it might not be able to go through the normal committee procedures in order to put things through erm , with er , proposals in that , er , in that respect .
30 And then there was an iron bar going from this plank , through the wall , and you could Er then this sort of a a pronged thing that was over the strap , you you could s push it over with that pu pulling the the plank up here .
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