Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun] as [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's very important to recognize that York although a historic city as I mentioned er in the previous discussion , erm is a er is an industrial city with a significant number of employment problems , in particular in the rail engineering industry where we see a rapid er contraction of er what was Brown which is now A B B , clearly continuing problems in the rail industry with the er problems most certainly caused by privatization and also major job reductions in er firms such as Rowntrees and Terrys in the confectionery industry .
2 He held up a pacifying hand as he saw the other prepare for battle .
3 He opened the boomgate and Whitlock gave him a friendly wave as he drove past on his way to the visitors ' car park .
4 Q&A gives you a friendly feeling as you launch the program .
5 He gave the pair a friendly glance as they walked towards the riverside .
6 Springsteen circled my legs and howled a bad-tempered welcome as I opened the purple — yes , purple — envelope .
7 TAKE That 's heart-throb Robbie Williams come to a sticky end as he celebrates his band 's latest hit , A Million Love Songs .
8 Leonora gave him a polite smile as she tied her hair securely at the nape of her neck .
9 It is not just a one-way traffic as he tried to er indicate .
10 The Marchioness of Blandford has been moved to a private hospital as she continues to make a good recovery from a riding accident .
11 Maybe he had a little doubt as he approached the ramp , but he opened up the throttle again and landed on the rear wheel , as planned . ’
12 But I was determined not to allow myself to be hauled in like a helpless fish as he reeled in his capable line .
13 Unable to keep up the pretence any longer , she 'd told her friend the whole , disastrous story behind her stay in New York , only withholding her fears about a possible pregnancy as she 'd related the disastrous sequence of events .
14 Mr Michael Howard , the Water minister , wore a broad smile as he watched his mistress 's vision of a share-owning democracy lining up .
15 She had blushed a fiery red as he had walked over , dressed in his race gear , to talk to her brother .
16 Her eyes flashed a fiery retort as she found the notes taken from her hand , and a magazine put there instead .
17 His final , understated comments on the worthwhile qualities of a career in politics are as good an apologia for a much-derided trade as I have read recently .
18 well this is a classic car as they go
19 Laura gave a low moan as she struggled to sit up , one half of her still almost unconscious mind noticing that Ross must have recently had a shower , since his black hair was still damp and he was wearing nothing but a short white towel about his waist .
20 Tundra streams flow in meandering channels through tundra vegetation , draining the peaty soils , picking up humic acids and acquiring a low pH as they go .
21 ‘ This is certainly some house he 's got , ’ Richard remarked in a low whisper as they followed Rob along the hall .
22 But such organizations generally prefer to keep a low profile as they peddle Third World prostitution — hoping to attract the attention only of potential customers .
23 This is a good place , too , for the mat-like camomile ‘ Treneague ’ , which gives off a strong aroma as you tread it underfoot .
24 ‘ You wo n't do it drinking with Bodo till all hours , ’ Frau Nordern said , but it was a Parthian shot as she did , then , go to sleep .
25 Polly bent her head , masking her burning face with a trembling hand as she smoothed the feathery curls on the nape of her neck .
26 They rode the lift to the thirtieth floor and were immediately challenged by a uniformed policeman as they stepped out .
27 He was dissecting a gland-like mushroom as he spoke , clearly in order to illustrate his telepathy .
28 A BABY 'S skull was fractured yesterday after he was thrown from a stolen car as it overturned in a crash .
29 Then , in a lower tone as she gazed about her , ‘ No wonder ! ’
30 ‘ The Colosseum , ’ Nicolo said , jamming the car into a lower gear as they approached a snarl of traffic .
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