Example sentences of "a [noun] who have be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Thinking fatigue had got the better of his tired mind , Jack Hayden did not worry unduly until the following Monday morning when a porter who had been working on the station Platform came to the mess room and saw a strange figure looking at Mr Hayden .
2 Another , a veteran who 's been sorting out homesick Latins for years , said it was the greatest treat , once in a while , to get them to cook something just-a like-a Mama used to make .
3 A MOTORCYCLIST who had been drinking and was doing 122mph when stopped by police on the M9 near Linlithgow , was fined £350 and banned from driving for three years at Linlithgow Sheriff Court yesterday .
4 So far , there 've been more a dozen such incidents across the region , but a psychologist who 's been studying them is warning that they 'll be difficult to stop .
5 Similarly , a child who has been receiving some form of individual help from a clinician , teacher or parent , might be expected to show the effects of that treatment and a comparison of changes over time on the basis of formal assessments would be an appropriate way of obtaining relevant information .
6 The Financial Times of April 9 suggested that Ye , a reformist who had been building Guangdong into a " free-wheeling relatively autonomous province " , had been appointed to the new central post in order to deprive him of his regional power base .
7 A thin , stoop-shouldered Frenchman wearing a pince-nez who had been watching and listening from the curbside , stepped into the road suddenly and leaned close enough to Chuck for the American boy to smell the garlic on his breath .
8 The voice was not what I 'd have expected from a girl who 'd been playing house with a mug like Mahoney .
9 She looked like a girl who had been tripping all night .
10 ‘ This is a girl who has been crying out for help , ’ one aide said .
11 ‘ This verse described a boy who had been trembling in front of the bathroom door , but at the same time this boy was swallowed up by the verse ; it surmounted and survived him .
12 Tonight ITV , 8pm DS GREIG fronts an undercover operation where the aim is to nab a burglar who has been running riot pulling off dozens of break-ins around a local housing estate .
13 A person who has been thinking intensely , for example , even for a very short time will leave these thoughts in the vapour .
14 It is natural for a person who has been working towards a survey for several months to overlook the fact that the respondent has never heard of this wonderful enquiry and may be utterly baffled by it ; but in this lies a great danger of asking poor questions , insufficiently considered from the respondents ' viewpoint .
15 ‘ Way you go , Patty , ’ he said softly , and the dog was off , hurling herself along the embankment , all paws and flying ears , after a rabbit who had been sitting in a patch of sun but disappeared with contemptuous ease as she came close .
16 But yesterday a friend who had been telephoning around Tories who are fighting marginal seats reported that on the doorsteps more voters were saying that , although they did not like the Tories , they liked Mr Kinnock even less .
17 The man , who said his name was Dave , told detectives about a friend who 'd been looking for Carol shortly before she died .
18 A teenager who 's been having pioneering medical treatment to help him grow , is back on his feet … and learning karate .
19 Here was a woman who had been trying to have a child ever since her marriage and yet she , Celia , had conceived not merely without any difficulty but on the one and only time she had not taken steps to prevent it .
20 A woman who had been looking at the screen turned to him and said , " I saw one , round at my daughter 's .
21 A shopkeeper had a dispute with a customer , a woman who had been waiting for a bus had popped in to mention parking on the footpath at weekends , the school had organised some Maypole dancing and wondered if part of the car park could be cordoned off , somebody else wanted vehicle watch forms .
22 A woman who 's been writing to a convicted killer facing the gas chamber in America is to visit him on Death Row .
23 In it , a small child roams the streets , talking to strangers , until he finally goes off with a woman who has been wandering about pushing an empty pram .
24 A man who had been living on his own committed suicide .
25 He did not look like a man who had been living in the middle of the moor .
26 But his solicitor Geoff Cardwell said Thompson had been worried about a man who had been carrying out some work for his ex-wife .
27 A man who had been sitting silently by on the wooden form got to his feet , his hand outstretched , and he said , ‘ There ! take it ; and if you want to pay it back put it in the voluntary box she was talking about . ’
28 It is a work that could have been written by a man who 'd been writing operas for twenty years and it introduced me to Ben 's remarkable sense of theatre .
29 He had the look of a man who 'd been pacing about restlessly , his tie loose about his throat , his shirt collar undone .
30 This may not seem to be a very daunting task , but when a man who has been flying four engine jet transports all over the world is suddenly confronted with a young pilot who has just written-off the landing gear of a light aircraft while trying to land in a cross wind , the true qualities of the new inspector are under test .
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