Example sentences of "a [noun] was [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A railway company came to Wall 's aid and before long a trial was held under floodlit conditions .
2 As well as wearing film badges , some employees are investigated for internal contamination by radioactive substances if this is believed to have occurred , and one father of a case was tested for internal contamination by uranium in the year before his child had leukaemia diagnosed .
3 A referendum was allowed under Philippine law to overturn legislation or to amend the Constitution if at least 3,000,000 signatures , amounting to 10 per cent of the 30,000,000 electorate , could be gathered in support of it .
4 Ashida 's views were conveyed to Washington but a decision was taken against separate peace treaties with Germany and Japan .
5 For example , in Herriot 's ( 1969 ) experiment , the interpretation of a sentence was influenced by general knowledge about the likely connection between two people , such as a lifeguard and a bather .
6 A prayer was said for Iraqi soldiers , that they might die with the name of Jesus on their lips and be saved from eternal damnation .
7 His regular hand-washing using alcohol as a disinfectant was reported by foreign hosts as well as witnessed ( off camera ) at public events in Romania .
8 A ban was imposed on public meetings and masked gunmen on Jan. 3 fired into a peaceful pro-Gamsakhurdia demonstration of about 2,000 people , killing two and injuring at least 27 .
9 In Chapter 6 , a dynamic series was developed between parallel lines using a control point on one of the parallels and a GP was projected between parallel lines using a control square .
10 The Raasay Ironstone which had been discovered by Woodward in 1893 was assessed and as a result was worked by German prisoners of war .
11 A study was made of various options for the future of the laboratory and it was decided to diversify into commercial work of both a non-nuclear and an applied nuclear nature .
12 Although in 1981 a question was asked about usual residence , UK censuses are de facto , i.e. individuals are enumerated on the basis of where they are at the time of the census ( This avoids the need to define the distinction between temporary and permanent residence ) .
13 A question was asked about American power .
14 A headstone was erected by local admirers and many years later , when Cumnock required a new burial ground , the intended disgrace was completely reversed by the people of the town deciding to have the ground around and including the minister 's grave consecrated as their new cemetery .
15 Following the nurse 's report a meeting was held with Social Services .
16 Such a shift was viewed with real apprehension and had led to a movement by Prussia to rally to Austria 's support , in spite of their internal differences about the running of Germany .
17 The annual election of a collector was carried by similar means to those employed to secure the election of a member of parliament .
18 Eventually they were found out , and you can just imagine what a fuss that caused , all those years ago when Victoria was on the throne , and even the sight of a petticoat was forbidden to young men .
19 No association was found with cholesterol levels , but a distinction was made between macrovascular and microvascular complications in this study .
20 Towards the end of the GLC a conference was held for Black people with disabilities .
21 At the recent meeting of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council a request was made by local residents for the 30 mph speed limit in village to be extended to the section of Gubberford Lane beyond the railway bridge to take in the group of dwellings ending with Woodlands .
22 A request was made by local residents for street lighting on the section of Gubberford Lane to the South of the railway bridge where there are houses on one side of the road .
23 If a person was injured by broken glass left there , the relevant occupier would be the local authority .
24 In at least one area this varied according to whether a person was seen by elderly services or others , because staffing profiles were much more biased towards medical care for elderly people with mental illness , with the result that other professions , such as social work , occupational therapy , and community psychiatric nursing , were less frequently called upon .
25 After that we embraced and , with tears pouring down our cheeks , we were made to go outside , where a lorry was waiting with other villagers in it .
26 A video was done about European funding .
27 Bus industry : As part of its programme of work , a seminar was organised in early February to which senior representatives from other organisations concerned with bus transport were invited .
28 Similarly , a selection was made between multiple readings corresponding to non-anaphoric ambiguities by applying the syntactic preferences of Frazier & Fodor ( 1979 ) .
29 After anxiety expressed by foreign bankers over the uncertain legal status of the foreign debt of the four existing concerns under the new structure , and after it was confirmed on July 20 that a fifth state holding company , Efim , had unilaterally declared a moratorium on its debts , of which over a quarter was owed to foreign banks , for up to two years , the government announced on July 23 that the companies , IRI , ENI , ENEL and INA , which had all on July 13 become joint stock companies , would remain under Treasury control .
30 Society as a whole was subdivided into various strata , whose existence was the result not of any process of economic or social change , but of government decree .
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