Example sentences of "a [noun] is [adv] [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Not making a decision is really making a decision to do nothing — but it never feels like that .
2 Everyone who is involved in taking a vehicle is implicitly committing an offence .
3 If a lecturer is not producing an experience which students regard as satisfactory , even when academic assessments are fine , some aspects of that lecturer 's performance deserve attention .
4 ( d ) If a person is voluntarily helping the police , that person is entitled to terminate the interview and leave at any time .
5 ‘ In fact , you 'll soon find out that three square meals a day is hardly scratching the surface — most kids seem to have an ever-open stomach . ’
6 ‘ It 's been laid up for a while with a problem in the starting mechanism , but a friend is now completing a repair job for me , and we hope to be up and running again soon , ’ explained Gordon , pictured with the vehicle 's log-book .
7 In the event , however , the project occurred in neither of these areas : not in Barnet because the psychogeriatric service was still in the process of development ; nor in Southwark because , although there was an enormous amount of goodwill and enthusiasm for the project , the social services unions ( particularly the joint Home Helps Shop Stewards Committee ) decided that they could not endorse cooperation with the project , the main reason being that they felt — mistakenly in our view — that a project which employed its own carers might be a threat to the employment of local authority home helps , and that ‘ to endorse such a service is not helping the elderly in the long term , it is only carrying out this Government 's stratagem in closing Homes and hospitals ’ .
8 It can also help us to identify why a student is not achieving the stylistic effect he or she is seeking .
9 The child who is cast in role as abbot of the cathedral is not identifying with some fictitious character called ‘ Abbot ’ , he is merely taking on an abbot 's function vis-à-vis the situation of being in charge of other people in the community , just as the football captain in a game is not playing a ‘ character ’ of a football captain , he is functioning in the required role of being in charge of his team .
10 For each area of study which a centre is currently offering the centre is required to submit to HCIMA for forwarding to the centre 's moderator three copies of the following :
11 This is a difficult issue which entails the larger problem of the degree to which teaching a language is also teaching a culture .
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