Example sentences of "a [noun] to the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thirdly , these regionally based programmes of initial training also provide a route to the obtaining of a professional qualification for an increasing number of people outside the formal further education sector , such as nurse tutors , education staff in the armed forces and in prisons , and industrial trainers .
2 The Department of Transport has put forward proposals for a new route around the south of the town although protestors and the local CBI prefer a route to the north along the present A forty one .
3 However , the most telling condemnation came from General Sir Garnet Wolseley , the Adjutant-General and the Commandant of Dover Castle , who argued that a tunnel would ‘ open up a route to the invader into England ’ .
4 a route to the heart of the dream .
5 For his part , the franchisee makes a payment to the franchisor for the rights to a particular area and a royalty based upon sales expressed as a percentage of sales .
6 This is not a matter of a reversion to the consideration of the city as a distinctive cultural form , an idea which is most generally associated with the work of Simmel but which was also essential to classic Chicago school urban ecology .
7 WP Do you think we could see a reversion to the kind of right-wing authoritarianism which characterised Hungary between the wars ?
8 Two years later he obtained a reversion to the office of the queen 's printer .
9 For example , they write that the ‘ depoliticization of the popular press merely reflects a reversion to the pattern of the inter-war years …
10 Only Sir Nicholas has the power to refer a case to the Court of Appeal 's Criminal Division .
11 The Criminal Justice Act 1972 provides for the Attorney-General to be able to refer a case to the Court of Appeal when he or she is concerned with the law applied by the Crown Court .
12 Variety wrote , ‘ With the outdated polemics of director Michael Winner , the banalities of Erich Segal 's adaptation of a Hugh Atkinson novel , and a rather lifeless and cardboard cast , the 20th-Fox release amounts to a dull Frank Merriwell yarn , hyped a bit to the level of high-school mentality . ’
13 9.14 Compensation on vacating Any statutory right of the Tenant to claim compensation from the Landlord on vacating the Premises shall be excluded to the extent that the law allows Basically , the landlord can deny the tenant statutory compensation ( currently the rateable value of the premises ) if there has been a change of ownership during the last five years of the term prior to its expiration and the assignee is not a successor to the business of the assignor .
14 A decision to the contrary in the British Columbia Court of Appeal , City of Prince George v. British Columbia Television System Ltd. , 95 D.L.R. ( 3d ) 577 , held that a municipality could sue for libel , but did not consider the argument of competing interests and the balancing exercise required under article 10 , and I do not consider it to be relevant to this appeal .
15 The last lie , a soundtrack to the washing of brains .
16 Edward himself watched the battle from a windmill to the south-west of the English positions , and Northampton , Arundel , and king 's eldest son , Edward Prince of Wales , now aged sixteen , bore the main burden of the day .
17 The life of Dick Turpin 's brother Randolph fits almost perfectly into that pattern created by Jack Johnson , Peter Jackson and Jesse Owens : an emergence from abjection and poverty to world recognition and wealth amounting to £300,000 from boxing earnings alone , followed by a slide into debt and obscurity and a reduction to the kind of fairground exhibitions engaged in by the others ( Birtley 1976 ) .
18 Sotheby 's on 29 October featured a brace of Bouguereaus , of which the best was ‘ Le Coquillage ’ , of a mother placing a shell to the ear of her winsome blonde daughter .
19 Politics today seems to be a subordination to the judgement of others — ; ‘ citizens collectively exercise political authority over themselves in their capacity as private individuals ’ .
20 By using characters from other such works , she draws an implicit parallel between religious or historical fundamentalism which enforces a single interpretation of the discourses of the past , and literary critical ‘ fundamentalism ’ which arrogates an individual reading of a text to the status of a general truth .
21 They withdrew down a gulley to the beach under fire that intensified as they remained below the cliffs , a sea mist shrouding their signals to the landing craft .
22 Still in relatively few numbers , and luckily it seems mostly enthusiasts — the tourists have n't blazed a trail to the top of Donard in the way they have on Snowdon or Nevis .
23 And this , as once again Wollheim argues , though it may not lead to action like that in the representation , acts as a lure to the formation of fresh dispositions to act — of fresh desires .
24 Another method has been to increase the benefits paid by the pension fund , although this has been rarely used , nor has a refund to the company from the pension fund , as it requires approval from the SFO .
25 At Damems a building to the profile of the original station is being erected thus replacing the previous ‘ hutmonts ’ from Manchester Central — I hope the splendid Leeds ‘ Niagara ’ Water Closet from the former buildings will be reinstated here !
26 should be set aside , leaving as the sole issue whether the agreement reached on 2 March 1988 between Mr. Mahmoud and the landlord , and its performance by Mr. Mahmoud , is a defence to the claim of the landlord against C.T .
27 The court held that necessity was a defence to the claim in trespass and nuisance .
28 I stress that point because the fashionable view of some London-based political commentators is that regional government has become popular among Labour party members in England only as a response to the position in Scotland .
29 His plea that Louis stop appointing widows as abbesses may have been a response to the installation of Judith 's mother Heilwig as abbess of Chelles .
30 Of all the multiplicity of middle-class organizations which arose as a response to the dislocation of war and the perceived threat of socialism in Great Britain , the distinguishing feature of the Britons Society was its crude and obsessional anti-semitism .
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