Example sentences of "a [noun] a [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 In such a case a complete reconsideration of the case , including the taking of evidence and the finding of facts , would be a waste of time and money ; so the court can remit the case and direct the authority to reconsider the facts in the light of the law as it has been held to be .
2 In such a case a careful examination of the handbrake should be made bearing this offence in mind .
3 In fact , training horses is all about habits : good training consists of teaching a horse a whole series of good habits ; whereas a poor trainer teaches a horse some bad habits too .
4 Through a gap a long wave of treetops stretched to the horizon , in the middle distance the smoke was coming and going in irregular bursts as they had seen it do once before from Ridgery Steep .
5 One of the advantages of a quantitative study of this sort is that it is possible to view at a glance a collected set of responses .
6 As a result a small piece of low-level code is being reworked , hardly something to even write home about .
7 Headlines in a US paper saying that the Open Software Foundation has dropped Tivoli Systems Inc 's management framework from its Distributed Management Environment are flat out wrong and creating unnecessary waves : as our sister paper Unigram.X has already said , DME 1.0 is being made fully compliant with the Object Management Group 's Common Object Request Broker , a specification that post-dates development of both DME and the Tivoli framework and as a result a small piece of low-level code is being reworked , hardly something to write home about , and the Foundation says Tivoli 's framework remains central to the object management framework .
8 As a result a good model of the system may be obtained from a much smaller corpus of data .
9 But following the changes in Eastern Europe and the virtual ending of the cold war this particular danger has receded for the time being , and as a result a new process of gradual disarmament by the major nuclear powers has begun .
10 The recently-held Day of Recollection for members of the APC and friends had been greatly appreciated and as a result a further Day of Recollection will be held in the spring .
11 Moreover , if it is applied at the instant before the actual strike goes in , the loud , shrill sound has the effect of momentarily stunning an opponent , and in that brief fraction of a second a whole range of techniques can be directed towards a target .
12 This happy coincidence — happy , that is , for all those visionaries and seers who speak in sonorous phrases about the ‘ New Pacific Century ’ and the ‘ Grand Pacific Age ’ , and find such a discovery a perfect symbol of what they 're talking about — has been the case ever since 22 October 1884 , when a group of scientists and politicians met in a hotel in Washington DC and set down the rules by which the planet was henceforth to organize the keeping of its time .
13 In order to effect such a transfer a whole variety of different agencies may be involved including remedial therapists , GPs , social work , community nursing and domiciliary services .
14 Note that the products and are not maximized where and are maximized , because over a range a bigger share of a smaller income will represent a higher total tax revenue than a smaller share of a larger income .
15 The method of keeping little tins in the house marked ‘ rent ’ , ‘ rates ’ , ‘ telephone ’ , etc. , into which you put money may give a certain amount of satisfaction as a way of saving , but it will also give a burglar a certain amount of satisfaction to have everything so conveniently marked and to hand for him .
16 It would take a teacher a great deal of time to prepare such graphs manually but more importantly the software allows pupils to manipulate it to discover aspects of pond life for themselves .
17 After a take-over a common way of making an acquired company more profitable is to reduce the size of the workforce or otherwise to change working conditions to lower costs or increase productivity .
18 Give a Lewisach a tiny corner of one of these great fields and he would be a cattle baron .
19 But , though statistics are objective icons for the disinterested observer — or powerfully distorting tools for the polemicist — once in a while a particular set of figures will leap from the page of some dust-dry tome to offer up an image more illuminating than all of a dozen reports like those in the bibliography relating to this chapter .
20 A heroin addict who gave a friend a fatal injection of drugs has had his sentence reduced by the Court of Appeal .
21 Frequently , after a revolution a new set of politico-legal principles have to be established reflecting the interests and ideals of the new power-holders .
22 To set too high a standard tends to discourage a student unduly ; too lenient a standard , particularly if accompanied by few comments , may give a student a false idea of his/her examination prospects .
23 Metroprolol was then added and titrated against heart rate until within a week a final dose of 25 mg thrice daily was attained , resulting in a resting heart rate under 80 per min .
24 This attempt to be influenced by the maximum of factual knowledge is in a sense a rational way of trying to answer ethical questions ( this being perhaps the Stevensonian answer to the second question raised in the introduction ) , but it offers no guarantee of congruence .
25 This aunt is in some sense a kind of female-father figure , just as the maternal uncle is in a sense a male version of the mother .
26 In a sense a great deal of development is about transcription factors , for these factors regulate gene activity and so the state of the cell .
27 Moderator it may seem a little strange to resist this er addendum but I do so really because er it 's never a good idea to er to be amending what is in a sense a liturgical piece of work on the floor of the house .
28 Dr Clarke is a political historian , and in a sense a political historian of the old school .
29 In the first case , either interpretation is fully acceptable — it can be either Farjeon or his style of undressing which has the quality of being clumsy ; and quite possibly the existence and use of such sentences provide the interpretative syntactic basis for the type which follows it , which therefore represents in a sense a second order of syntactic patterning .
30 It gives what is in a sense a richer account of a mental episode by including relations with other strictly mental episodes and facts-these too , of course , to be understood relationally .
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