Example sentences of "a [noun] and [pron] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 Yes , you can rely on the various methods by which you draw a shape on a chart and it tells you automatically how many stitches and rows you need but for those machines that are not so sophisticated you are left with simple maths .
2 erm , but actually near the erm near the bridge the the large roundabout before you go over the Gateshead bridge erm underneath that there 's a subway and what have you there 's shops in there , there 's a little shop in there that th that used to do these rolls and beautiful rolls , any bread you wanted , any filling you wanted you know they have vast variety of different fillings you know , and it was all there in these erm show cases , and we used to go down there and get a sandwich , take it back to the place where we was you know , this conference centre and erm it was great and then course when we got back
3 One minute , you 're holding forth from a pulpit and everyone thinks you 're one hell of a guy .
4 We 've only got half a side and we need you .
5 twenty five minutes in a car and it takes you about an , an hour on the bus .
6 Yeah if you 're taking it you just want a laugh and you know you 're not affecting anyone else but if you 're dealing you 're pressing other people to buy it .
7 ‘ He said he 'd buy me a Pepsi and I said you said I must n't talk to strangers , and I came away . ’
8 Make a move and we drop you . ’
9 If you get in the wrong part of a ruck and they think you are stopping them getting the ball , you get raked .
10 ‘ You look at McLaren 's face in the dressing room before a match and you know you are looking at a winner , ’ Roxburgh remarked .
11 As to a scoop , just hold the article back for a while and I think you 'll have one .
12 When you go to a banker for a loan and he asks you what security you can offer , you may think that banks exist to lend on good security .
13 Then you have a bath and they give you a towel and soap .
14 I could do with a bath and I expect you could .
15 Sure Ji he came in looking for Jim one morning and Jim was n't there , says he 's in bed so listen I said do you wan na go up and waken him like fuck Jim says when Acky woke me I said what you mean he give you a kiss and he woke you up .
16 ‘ I have here a petition and I want you all to sign it to show those men in power that the women and children of this country think that slavery is wicked and wrong ! ’
17 Well when you 're a waitress and you mix you know with all sorts and you hear different people talking and what they did and what they did n't do you now and some had Doctor pills at that time in the nineteen thirties and some used the Indian bark .
18 How disappointed would you be if you went to a game and they made you watch a video instead of the real thing ?
19 How disappointed would you be if you went to a game and they made you watch a video instead of the real thing ?
20 You give me a finger and I give you your freedom , and a new life in North America . ’
21 With the old method it would take you hours looking through files , but with the computer you just push a button and it tells you right away .
22 ‘ Look , I know I 'm only a kid and I know you 're still the big hero , but , take it from me , some things you do n't understand . ’
23 Right ah can we connect again with a couple of people we we coming up there if anybody out there er is a fan of Mary Whitehouse 's as I am give me a call and you know you know who I 'm talking to ring now .
24 You get wee hooks and you hang them up and they stick there right , and just put your cups on it in a row and it gives you more room on the table .
25 It 's just that , nowadays in life , you make a mistake and someone bangs you on the head for it .
26 You have to go through a short course at the R A F College Cranwell and then once that that teaches you the R A F side of it makes you into an officer because at the end of the day you maybe there to do public relations but if the spaghetti hits the fan you 're an officer and you 're a combatant and you know you carry a gun around when you 're in a war zone and you know you 're expected to use it and if the senior officer of the unit next to you gets shot and you 're the most senior officer then you take over
27 A woman with a Jag parked in the middle of the road and a caravan and what have ya
28 Go for a walk and I charge you say nothing of what has passed , and I 'll forgive you .
29 ‘ I could do with a shot and I know you do n't keep any in the house .
30 ‘ Oh , Charity , your whole problem is that you 're accustomed to people bowing down before you because you 're a doctor and they assume you walk with the gods .
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