Example sentences of "a [noun] of [noun sg] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was a varied , highly satisfying climb , ’ says Walsh , ‘ with quite a bit of ice up to 55 degrees ; VS standard rock , albeit with old fixed ropes , and some tiring plodding through knee-deep powder . ’
2 So never mind what the executive amends , recommend , stick your hand up for three eight eight and three eight nine and give a bit of power back to the people .
3 ‘ If there was a death in the family our custom was to take a bit of crepe out to the bee-skeps after sunset and pin it on them .
4 This had been the basic premise of a proposal made in late August by the Netherlands ( holder of the presidency of the Council of Ministers in the second half of 1991 ) specifying four conditions for economic convergence : ( i ) a high degree of price stability , indicated by a level of inflation close to that of the best-performing state for a two-year period ; ( ii ) a sustainable government financial position , indicated by budget deficits deemed not to be excessive ; ( iii ) currency within the 2.5 per cent fluctuation margins of the exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) of the European Monetary System for at least two years without devaluation against other member state 's currency ; and ( iv ) a close approximation of comparable interest rates to those member states with the best performance in terms of price stability .
5 Summarizing , we can conclude that the GGGCCC motif seems to adopt a strongly curved conformation with a direction of curvature opposite to and the magnitude similar to the A-tracts .
6 Talcott Parsons has proposed the very influential theory that of all other available institutions it is the classroom that above all converts an incomplete person into a member of the kind of society Parsons takes for granted as natural , that is , a kind of society where to be social is to be interested in achievement .
7 In his view , in the 1970s the drop in children available for adoption led adoption pressure groups to advocate a kind of fostering closer to adoption , with the natural parents having fewer rights to intervene in the foster placement .
8 It seems these humans are often — unwell — a kind of failure even to non-scuttle .
9 However , Sir Anthony stresses that , almost without exception , those who gave their evidence to the investigation did so with ‘ conscientiousness , care , dignity and with a measure of frankness wholly to be admired ’ .
10 My favourite tale , comes from Corner Pool , when Rob was fishing one cold March day : ‘ I was about to start at the top of the pool when I happened to spot a flicker of movement close to the north bank .
11 The reason , one supposes , for their usefulness in the wind band rather than the orchestra is no doubt the weight and solidity of tone which overcomes in the former combination any disadvantages which might be caused by the highly individual tone-colour of the saxophones , and thus enables them to enrich the texture and , by their vitality , to add the gaiety and fun which are such marked features of their character , as well as a brand of melancholy particularly to be associated with the alto instrument , hence its occasional use for solo work .
12 ( b ) In some circumstances , individual solicitors may be required to attend a relevant training course as a condition of acceptance on to the panel .
13 Someone will reach for a tin of fish-paste only to be brought up short by another member of the party reminding them that fish-paste is unclean , while someone else may get as far as the checkout with a year 's supply of baked beans , when , across the crowded shelves of the supermarket , comes a voice reminding them of the danger they are facing .
14 Perhaps non-clinical legionellosis follows exposure to small numbers of bacteria alone , the clinical form occurring as a result of exposure either to a large dose of bacteria or to legionellae packaged in amoebae .
15 A programme of restoration back to full working order followed and over a period of 18 months , it was stripped , restored and rebuilt to its present immaculate condition .
16 It was such a beautiful day and suddenly he became aware of a surge of relief not to be in London .
17 They all had a meal together , then , as the September evening was warm , Ken Stevens wheeled Jennifer 's wheelchair outside and Valerie carried a tray of coffee on to the patio .
18 She heard Mr and Mrs Hepwood return home , and shortly after that felt guilty when Wendy , a sixteen-year-old who helped Mrs Lumsden , the housekeeper , brought a tray of tea up to her .
19 When I approached and held a piece of chicken out to him he opened his eyes in surprise and at first refused to take it .
20 A piece of toast halfway to her mouth , Joanna nodded then , taking a large bite , she murmured , ‘ Uhmm . ’
21 She pulled a piece of parchment over to her .
22 He threw a piece of paper on to the floor .
23 A crash of musketry off to the right flank betrayed that the farms to the west were under attack , but here in the centre , where the road led enticingly to the crossroads , the enemy was still hidden .
24 I know Mother traded with him from time to time , and once sent a quantity of wool away to another mill and had some back as grey blankets .
25 This is , by definition , neither a penalty clause , nor a limitation of liability up to a certain amount , because it is supposed to be a genuine pre-estimate of the damage .
26 From the end of the 1970s modern normality was restored with a shift of population back to the South-East at the expense of more peripheral areas .
27 The glass of the door to the patio was bumpy , mottled and had deflected a ray of sunlight on to Hosanna as he basked on the step , making him golden , religious .
28 How naive he was , thought Penelope , trying to see Ianthe bearing a portion of oxtail up to his door .
29 ‘ It is his mother , ’ Mrs Ames was saying later , dropping a blob of cream on to a warm scone , ‘ she is seventy-four .
30 Budget increases nudged a pint of beer up to 10½p and 20 cigarettes to 24p .
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