Example sentences of "a [noun] of [adj] [noun pl] on " in BNC.

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1 It assembled a variety of skilled sympathisers on the stage of the ICA that both set the audience hopping up and down and delivered music of such a strong African flavour as to make the issue and the entertainment inseperable .
2 We now also know that high intakes of bran may have a variety of adverse effects on nutritional balance , and in general vegetable and fruit fibre is a better bet .
3 From this time , at first in Europe and North America , and subsequently in the rest of the world , a great number of social movements developed — nationalist movements in Central and Southeastern Europe , and later in colonial territories ; women 's movements which were concerned initially with the right to vote ; youth movements ; and a host of smaller , more sectional movements advocating particular causes — while the labour movement continued to advance and engendered a variety of new organizations on a national and international scale .
4 The surface chemistry of the hydrogel governs the complex series of events that lead to a variety of possible deposits on the surface when the lenses are worn .
5 Students are exposed to a variety of different accents on the cassettes and are provided with standard business documents and practice material in the books .
6 Now let me consider some of the situations which lead to poor welfare ; these have a variety of different effects on animals and I will go over them rapidly .
7 The Institute worked with a variety of different partners on the following courses : Relying on Audited Financial Statements ( twice ) , with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales ; Lending to Registered Housing Associations — the Accounting Implications , with The Housing Corporation ; Managing Costs — Making the Most of Resources , with KPMG Management Consultants ; Registered Housing Associations — Legal Implications of Lending , with the Housing Corporation ; and Lending and the Environment , with Wilde Sapte .
8 However , just as the fourteenth-century English mystics present a variety of responses to a core of dogmatically formulated belief , the tradition they inherited developed a variety of particular views on the nature of mystical experience in relation to Christian orthodoxy .
9 At the top of the shell-shaped vineyard is a full , frontal , south-facing aspect which descends on to south-east and south-west-facing slopes , to a level of 120 metres on the lowest slopes .
10 However , it also assumes a reduction of 2,400 vehicles on the provincial network by 1993/94 .
11 Such channels provide important mechanisms for the exchange of information and influence and , together with the predominance of the associations in the central-local consultative process , have possibly resulted in a reduction of direct discussions on policy between individual local authorities and individual central departments .
12 Once he had seen a girl set upon by a gang of other girls on a descending escalator .
13 About a month ago he was severely beaten up by a gang of white boys on the way back from school .
14 One college had started a course of 3 hours on one evening each week plus ‘ homework ’ for a period of 16 months .
15 Then humans inflicted a trail of environmental catastrophes on themselves — from a leak at ‘ Bhopal ’ chemical factory on the V-shaped landmass , to a nuclear-power-plant explosion in ‘ Chernobyl ’ region .
16 As in the period following the Black Death in the fourteenth century , the acute shortage of labour led to a tightening of feudal restrictions on the peasantry .
17 But on March 14th he was overruled by a majority of federal judges on the Judicial Conference which sets court policy .
18 The employers did however wish to keep the door open for the future , and proposed a ban of five years on women entrants — something which the union was prepared to accept in the hope that " natural reductions " over this period would leave the men in a commanding position .
19 This November should see some of the works in the new galleries , from the ‘ Primitives ’ to Poussin , transferred to a suite of twenty rooms on the second floor of the Richelieu wing , which will be reached by escalators and lifts bringing visitors to the galleries of French paintings directly from the Pyramid .
20 A suite of three modules on Experiencing Europe has also been developed .
21 Natural death : Cleveland coroner Michael Sheffield recorded a verdict of natural causes on retired labourer James Hamilton , 67 , of Blakelock Road , Hartlepool , who died ten days after being admitted to South Cleveland Hospital , Middlesbrough .
22 Duck represented a demonstration of contemporary theories on the formation of intelligence .
23 Coach Tony Smeeth of Seattle will lead a side of 27 players on an 18-day , seven-game tour to New Zealand .
24 We may wait two hours in the cold or dark , but when the show starts , it 's a moment of magic , ’ says Gertrude Holle-Suppa , 44 , a veteran of 20 years on the circuit .
25 The drug cyclosporin was then shown to be a particular effective immunosuppressive agent as a result of extensive experiments on mice , rats , dogs and pigs .
26 Interestingly , however , the fact that the British constitution is in part what the constitutional authorities say it is means that an insidious kind of constitutional change is already occurring simply as a result of authoritative attacks on the sovereignty of Parliament as a " dogma " and a " myth " that needs to be challenged .
27 In the case of psychoanalytic theory , there needs to be an understanding , first , of an undistorted version of the theory as stated by Freud , and then various changes in the theory can be seen as either having been made to attain greater rational consistency , or to incorporate new ‘ findings ’ which refute some of the previous assumptions , or to have been made as a result of social pressures on theory-makers eager to find a role for their theories in the society .
28 Is it not likely that some people who take cars or ride in taken cars will be convicted of the aggravated offence , and be given harsher penalties , largely as a result of these provisions on proof ?
29 An environmental survey and a study of inter-generational differences on family farms will be carried out in those areas .
30 However , in a study of recreational impacts on other land uses , Gibbs ( 1976 ) found that only farming was particularly affected , notably by damage to walls and fences and by trespass nuisance , but that the impacts on grouse numbers and water gathering were negligible .
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