Example sentences of "a [noun] he have taken [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Picasso worked from a photograph he had taken of his friend and dealer who recorded that Picasso nevertheless demanded some twenty sittings .
2 Arbitragers said Edelman had lost $40million to $50million on a stake he had taken in Storehouse and is facing financial problems at Datapoint which he heads .
3 This ex-rugger international has , for reasons best known to himself , tired of rambling on about the oval ball game ; as a consequence he has taken to bespattering the media with stories about his allegedly ‘ sexy ’ life and times in terms which strive risibly to emulate the writings of the greatest rock journalist in the world — just like practically everyone else in the media has been muscling in on my territory in recent times .
4 He 'd recorded a telephone conversation — a call he 'd taken at home .
5 The old lady now moved her shoulder to let George Banks , the butler , take her plate away and hand it to Patrick McCann , who was standing behind him , then to place before her a plate he had taken from the sideboard ; and she , after looking down on it , turned her head up towards him and said , ‘ Iced pudding , Banks ?
6 His Excellency showed me a film he had taken of the three northern islands of the Tonga group which — being some 300 miles north of the main island — are invariably overlooked by such few visitors as Tonga receives .
7 The fact was that Wagnerian music drama claimed a relationship with Greek tragedy and that the new status of music drama in Nietzsche 's thoughts sufficed to activate and inform an interest he had taken in the Greek tragedians years before : witness his Pforta dissertation on the Oedipus Rex ( which , prophetically enough , actually alluded at one point to the analogy between Wagner and the Greeks ) .
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