Example sentences of "a [noun] he have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To make matters worse the angler was using a rig he had bought from his local tackle shop .
2 By 1883 the Titfords were living at 2 Mount Terrace , Curry Rivel , where Benjamin was supplementing his income — a trick he had learned from his father ? — by acting as an insurance agent for the ‘ Lancashire ’ .
3 Having , as I say , abandoned everything he had done , he sat down and wrote a six-part novel within a year which included a twenty-six day break in which he threw together and dictated The Gambler , itself not a small book nor a negligible one , to satisfy the terms of a contract he had made with a shyster publisher .
4 There he boldly repeated a story he had heard about Henry 's relations with the sister of Anne Boleyn [ q.v. ] and her mother .
5 He said it was a preparation he had to take for diabetes .
6 If any of these women were seriously important to him , she could n't tell from his attitude , so she was able to listen quite happily when he spoke about a play he had seen with Paula , or repeated an anecdote of Wendy 's about her job as a television production assistant .
7 Picasso worked from a photograph he had taken of his friend and dealer who recorded that Picasso nevertheless demanded some twenty sittings .
8 And on the last day he led the girl he loved to a shack he had built behind their tiny house and which he called his studio .
9 Wilson therefore regularized a practice he had begun in 1964 when outsiders such as Professors Nicholas Kaldor and Robert Neild had been recruited into the Treasury , a practice which Heath had followed on a smallish scale .
10 The crazy guy , now at the bottom of the Baltic with his crew , had turned out to be a secret and tormented homosexual , a condition he had hidden under an apparently conventional marriage .
11 But he has considerable respect for Derry , a side he has encountered on numerous occasions to date during his speel in charge of Down .
12 The 32-year-old central defender will hand in his application this week to a club he has served for nine years in two spells .
13 A monument he has erected to his wife ( née Brobity ) is more of an encomium upon his own virtues than upon hers ; his father .
14 When he found out his daughter had a stroke he had to come from America and look after her and like then , from then on , he was just like , had that money in the bank , really .
15 The jury at Bristol Crown Court was told that Mantack took with him a tape he had made of a woman 's voice crying for help .
16 But we could n't resist quoting captain Martyn Moxon at length in a piece he has penned for the club .
17 As a child he had lain in bed long into the night , plotting his escape from an alcoholic father and a mother who managed not to see the bruises and the tears .
18 A tall , thin man stood staring at a stone wall , as if waiting for an answer to a question he had put to it .
19 Their underlying feeling is that Frank Williams has blundered badly and they are saying : ‘ What a mess he has made of it all ! ’
20 Jamie was in the middle of a story about a disagreement he 'd had with a master at his school over the A-level English syllabus when the phone rang .
21 Arbitragers said Edelman had lost $40million to $50million on a stake he had taken in Storehouse and is facing financial problems at Datapoint which he heads .
22 He visited them in Egypt , accompanied by a girl he 'd met in a bar , who proved to be a lesbian .
23 He said Oliver was extremely embarrassed , as well he might have been , because he was buying flowers to make his peace with a girl he 'd gone to bed with the night before and been impotent with .
24 Other than a girl he had seen at a spinning-wheel and singing a song in the Gaelic at Nairn , this was Johnson 's first true contact with the Scots of the west .
25 But the Guider and all the Pack learned later on about her meeting with the stranger on the seat , because at the next Pack Meeting the Guider read out a letter from Mr. Bishop , the estate agent , which said the Earl of Ferngrove had given special instructions that the Brownie Guide Pack could continue to use the Park whenever they wished , as he was quite satisfied , thanks to a chat he 'd had with one of them , that they were very careful not to leave litter about in the Park .
26 This time last week it had been , last Saturday , when she and Miguel had spent some time together and she was as happy as she had ever been in her life — until that moment when she discovered just how much of a fool he had made of her …
27 Then like a fool he had spoken of Maud , and Sarah had seen him as nothing more than a philanderer .
28 In 1763 he published What is Meant by Coming to Christ , the text of a sermon he had delivered in one of the London churches .
29 It was a pact he had made within himself , and with those powers , if they existed , known as Callanish .
30 Aleksandr Bessmertnykh was proposed by Gorbachev on Jan. 15 to succeed Eduard Shevardnadze as Foreign Minister , and Boris Pugo was proposed to continue as Interior Minister ( a post he had assumed in December ) .
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