Example sentences of "a [noun] [to-vb] and [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's obviously a hell of a technique to master and somebody told me that , just to make things worse , you grinned when you did it !
2 He picks up a guitar to demonstrate and I notice that his picking action seems to be coming from his elbow , with a fairly stiff forearm …
3 But towards end when she only , she only had a pound to lose and she paid about six week on run to go to get weighed to tell her she was exactly same weight .
4 If you go for a job , or a place to live and they send you away , it 's racism .
5 A patient 's attention should be drawn to the fact that he has a right to complain and we have taken steps to do so .
6 But he said , I said it as a joke when she was asking me about my flying and I said I do n't do as much flying as I 'd like to , I 've , I 've got a wife to support and she takes all the money .
7 Er these gentlemen have a presentation to make and I wonder if Ron would come up here for a moment , please .
8 ‘ I said some time ago that there was a mile to go and we had to go half a mile each , and the Community went more than its half a mile .
9 I had a paper to say and they said there was too much money coming in here a week , because you were working that I could n't get anything and I , it said , I wrote , it , it all come when I wrote to say could I have relief off of prescriptions cos I was on that H I V at the time
10 They need food , shelter , a space to live and they need to be protected .
11 he comes home at , at nine o'clock and he , he does n't have a thing to eat and he goes out playing squash , then he 's not eating his main meal till eleven o'clock at night .
12 he gave me a number to phone and I 've tried phoning and I 've not had a response , but I 'll keep trying
13 I 've got a letter to do and I keep forgetting to do it .
14 What we were trying to say is there is actually a place and my Right Honourable Friend thinks that there is and indeed so do I , for people to contribute to the problem of policing in their locality who have n't necessarily for one reason or another and my Noble Friend Lord Whitelaw said , decided not to erm be on the police authority , maybe they have n't had time , maybe there has n't been their , their particular but nevertheless they do know and they do care about their locality and they have got a er er a contribution to make and we think that that would actually improve the local the police authorities , provided that they are not in an overwhelming position and that is the reason why we 've suggested that eight erm t er , er , er o of a police authority of sixteen , eight should be councillors in the majority , five should be independents and three should be er er er magistrates and My Lords and then of course the complaint was ah , but then some people may not be properly represented and the number ought to be larger .
15 I would n't say it was exactly narrow-minded , but you 've got a position , you 're given a position to hold and you get it rammed down you that ‘ I am now an applied scientist ’ .
16 MacDowell 's got a load to deliver and he wants a hand so we 'll do it in the lunch hour ; new headquarters of the respected firm of MacDowell and Co : ye esteemed Eagle and Child public house to be found ( if it be not removed by ye demolition men ) at the corner of — you feel like coming then ?
17 Because he had the right attitude , he did n't quibble , he did n't moan he did n't criticize , he just got on with the job , and is n't that a little area that we can all work on somewhere , it comes down to that little bit of territory even , does n't it , if we 're given in the ministry and we say oh not there again , I worked that last time , I know that person in that house they 're all working , called on them and when they , I just do n't get , I just do n't get on with them , they 're not me at all , you see , we , we can go on and on in all kinds of areas ca n't we in the truth , but what an attitude to have and I thought this was a lovely expression here , look , erm , on page twenty seven , just about a third of the way down on the right hand side , he says as I have opportunity , I encourage new ones at that , that would take advantage of all privileged service , they 're given , and to learn to be content , and happy with it and just in the next paragraph at the end he says be happy and content in your present circumstances and blossom in a spiritual way in the soil where you are planted is n't that a lo a lovely expression , does n't that show a man who is spiritually alive and alert and awake , and is n't that how we should be , would n't the congregation flow and move along forward , so much better and more unitedly if we all have that lovely attitude that Jehovah service , no matter what it is , we ca n't all be public speakers , we ca n't all be giving a public talk at the district assembly can we ?
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