Example sentences of "a [noun] [coord] [vb mod] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They were also the most likely to say Dad would not make a good job of being a housewife and should be out at work ( 57pc pc compared to 38pc ) .
2 It was held that such a grant where the application was for a full new licence constitutes a refusal and can be competently the subject of an appeal under 5.17(4) .
3 It gave her an incredibly guilty feeling , as if she was a nuisance and should be away from here and not causing so much trouble .
4 She was ready now for the sight of the chair , the pipe , the feeling that her father had only popped out for a minute and would be back before she could leave .
5 ‘ The nature garden has given everyone a lift and will be somewhere that the children can enjoy . ’
6 A talk to probation officers will indirectly reach a section of the community — prisoners — who are not able to come to a bureau and may be seriously in need of a bureau 's services , as was seen in Chapter 3 .
7 Tom was a perfectionist and will be sadly missed by our Institute .
8 Merger is of course a possibility and may be even desirable given OSF 's financial distress .
9 With regard to the latter , it is apparent that the problem of poverty is not one that affects the household considered as a unit but may be differentially experienced by members of the family .
10 At a local level sponsors so often are involved in the club on a more direct way but it is n't always seen as a problem and can be enormously beneficial to both parties .
11 I have enclosed a copy and would be most grateful if you could find the time to scan through it to see if I have made any errors of fact or tactics .
12 The originator is the initial advocate of an idea and should be actively involved in its development .
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