Example sentences of "a [noun] [adj] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Did you feel a bit uncomfortable when she hesitated a bit then ?
2 I know that sounds a bit ridiculous but you know what I mean , there are several different er versions of the world heavyweight crown , who are the three world heavyweight champions at the moment ? the number to call .
3 Like , it 's a bit ridiculous but I like
4 The weather 's a bit grotty or you know , or you 're not feeling too good , it 's easier to get a car , you know , to get a lift in with someone .
5 But , a bit obstreperous as I say . ’
6 ‘ She was very sure of herself , a bit cocky and she had a coldness that just put me off her . ’
7 ( The diagram on the instruction leaflet is not very clear , however , so this is likely to be one of those times when you take quite a while to figure out how the confounded things fit together , and then feel a bit daft when you realise how easy it is . )
8 ( The diagram on the instruction leaflet is not very clear , however , so this is likely to be one of those times when you take quite a while to figure out how the confounded things fit together , and then feel a bit daft when you realise how easy it is . )
9 I 'd be looking a bit daft if it did n't .
10 Driving to Cairn Gorm is a bit of a cheat , since you drive all the way up to the car park at 640 metres , but then a sea-level start in the Cairngorms is a bit tricky unless you do n't mind parking the car in Aberdeen and walking in .
11 Had a very , very good over from Bill Tufnell there , it 's always a bit tricky when you come on to bowl and it 's turning and it 's a long day ahead and you , you 're expected to get hissed and you expect to get hissed , and you can get very impatient when they do n't come , but he 's got one now , he 's got , now he 's bowled well all morning now , he 's bowled almost for an hour , but he 's got that one wicket and he , that over was full of confidence , he tossed one up , misjudged the length and got into a bit of a tangle and then he bowled a quicker one which tried to cut , he then misjudged the pace and he could off nick it to the , a very , very good over and he 's bowling with , with great confidence at the moment .
12 She found herself on the threshold of Fearon 's bedroom : that was a bit tricky and she knew she ought to retreat there and then .
13 But it can be a bit dangerous if you 've had a few drinks , because you keep pumping the thing up and forgetting about it . ’
14 I remember feeling a bit disappointed as I went to school on the morning of my birthday — I 'd rather have stayed home and finished the aviary .
15 I thought you were a bit depressed when you returned . ’
16 They played in here and slagged the place off which I thought was a bit pathetic but I do n't pretend that I like all their ideas .
17 Yeah Carrie went and as she , as she left he patted her on the bum which is , you know , a bit friendly and I said to Jess well look , put it this way , cos she 's really , she flirts a lot
18 And by that time you 're a bit tired and you think
19 He 's proud that Romeo & Juliet introduced children to both Shakespeare and Prokofiev ‘ in a way that makes them think it 's not culture and a bit boring and I wish I could go and watch Neighbours . ’
20 Yeah , got a bit boring when they started talking so we walked off .
21 YOU would be a bit alarmed if you woke to find a monkey hanging from your headboard .
22 I mean it 's a bit arbitrary where you put the pass by a mark
23 Young Steg is in both positions at the same time ( a bit eye-watering if ya ask me ) , his hungry little T'yungunz — bless you ! — are HUNGRY .
24 Well course she can but it seemed a bit strange that he said that this morning .
25 ‘ I 'd like to , ’ said Zach , ' but I never go to church so it 'd be a bit strange if I sing in it , wo n't it , me not even being a Christian . ‘
26 Erm you know , and these achievements , he 's not saying that you know re rev revolution 's the way forward , he 's actually saying look what 's happened before under the system that existed er previously , er well it actually existed , you know , at the time he was talking about , there does seem to be an effort by the peasants erm you know to , to improve their lot and therefore wha while he cites revolution in a way you , you can argue it is a bit strange because they seem to be , according to him , have improved their lot under the system that was there in the first place , erm
27 Does seem a bit ironic that he disapproves of drink driving and then prison sentences
28 The language is a bit spicy but it did n't put me off in the slightest . ’
29 Jen might think she 's a bit tarty but she plays a tarty bit in it does n't she ?
30 It might be a bit awkward when you start off but once you 've done it a bit it gets easier .
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