Example sentences of "a [noun] [prep] the [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 It is level , it 's available , the developer may provide a , an amenity area , it says so in the letter anyway , for the town , and a route across the river to .
2 Ace looked up , tracing a route from the stanchion to a diagonal girder , an almost vertical cable , a narrow pipe and then a short piece of wider ducting .
3 However , a provision in the contract to the effect the property does not pass until Y Ltd. has paid the price , will not entirely meet X 's needs .
4 It could be that it is reducible to the other needs ; that our belief in convention is purely a function of the degree to which it satisfies our needs for affection , status , and so on .
5 The rate of this modification will be a function of the resistance to weathering and erosion of the volcanic materials laid down , the initial relief created by the volcano and the prevailing climatic environment .
6 It is less immediately evident that such an understanding should be necessary in order to account for the formal properties of code switching , although I would argue strongly that it is , inasmuch as the extent to which switching may take place is in part a function of the extent to which the codes involved have " fused " within a community , i.e. how interchangeable they are for the different purposes of everyday interaction .
7 This decree vested all powers in the SLORC , and required that a new constitution be drawn up ( by the SLORC ) and submitted to a referendum before the transfer to a civilian government — a process likely to take at least two years .
8 ( 11 ) There is a right of appeal from a decision of the Panel to an Appeal Committee in four cases , namely :
9 The improvement in performance that occurs with training was held to depend not just on the strengthening of the association between the stimulus — word and the response — word but also on a reduction in the extent to which the various words tend to be confused .
10 The problem this creates for Christianity is that a part of the turning to faith in our generation may be only a reflection of the psychological and sociological undercurrents of our time .
11 It was a scene of desperation , but Dahrendorf seemed to feel that this kind of community DIY activity could be a part of the answer to the problem of a permanent and growing rate of unemployment .
12 We must be prepared to face the cost of being a part of the answer to our own prayers .
13 Although I believe that hysteria , as classically defined , can provide only a part of the answer to the problem of anorexia nervosa , it is a starting-point and , in the light of Szasz 's observation that ‘ hysterical conversion is best regarded as a process of translation , ’ I propose to translate the history of my own symptoms back into the language in which they were intended to be expressed .
14 The removal of such practices , and any employer who uses such practices today does so at his peril , can be a part of the answer to the economic problems of West Belfast which lie at the root of most other West Belfast problems .
15 It was pointed out that accounting information is only a part of the input to the decision making process .
16 The stinging cells of some anemones and corals are quite capable of killing their neighbours allowing one species to completely dominate a part of the reef to the exclusion of other species .
17 The occupier of a private house ( but not the owner of a house who had never entered into possession of it ) would probably be considered to be in possession of anything placed or left in it — at any rate unless it was concealed — while the occupier of a shop has been held not to be in possession of a thing dropped in a part of the shop to which the public had access .
18 Responding to such an equation of the spirit with femaleness , Norris points out that Gregory of Nyssa ( one of the Cappadocians ) does indeed speak of Christ as casting out demons by the power of the Spirit , but that there is nothing in his language to imply a subordination of the Spirit to Christ !
19 He showed me a speck on the map to the left of Hodges and said that it was named Banks Island , after Cook 's naturalist friend .
20 However a cheapening of the import to domestic residents occurs now that tariff free imports from the partner country replace tariff laden rest of the world imports .
21 It was an intellectual assent to the logic of the evidence and a response of the will to the call of Christ .
22 All these examples suggest that there is something else , over and above a response of the body to our life-style and environment .
23 There is a statue in the village to the most endearing Pyreneeist of them all , Count Henry Russell , Irish on his father 's side and Gas con on his mother 's , who climbed obsessively and made so many ascents of Vignemale — thirty in all — that in 1889 the authorities granted him a concession to it .
24 This is a measure of the degree to which Patrick Jenkin , the Industry Secretary , has changed the stance of this part of the government following his appointment in September 1981 .
25 To a large extent , the decline was a measure of the degree to which record sales are susceptible to inflation : in times of rising prices , and tightening purses , luxury items like recorded music are among the first things people stop buying .
26 It is , however , a measure of the extent to which ideas have changed that the most important and influential officers of all , Ministers of the Crown , are permitted , indeed almost required , to have seats in Parliament .
27 A measure of the extent to which évolués were drawn into French life was the fact that President Houphouet-Boigny of the Ivory Coast was previously a member of five successive French cabinets during the 1950s .
28 His findings remind us again that text difficulty is not a purely static thing — it is the result of the meeting of a reader and a text , and a measure of the extent to which the linguistic and experiential worlds of the reader and author coincide , or fail to coincide .
29 A measure of the extent to which financial resources obtained during a period are sufficient to cover claims incurred during that period against financial resources .
30 R Sq-rd ; R-squared ( per cent ) , this is a measure of the extent to which the market model as used by the RMS has explained the security 's returns .
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