Example sentences of "a [noun] [prep] [noun] ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , I recall that shortly after Miss Kenton 's departure to Cornwall in 1936 , myself never having been to that part of the country , I would often glance through Volume III of Mrs Symons 's work , the volume which describes to readers the delights of Devon and Cornwall , complete with photographs and — to my mind even more evocative — a variety of artists ' sketches of that region .
2 Nor did they plan portfolios of prints , as Die Brücke did ; a practice , by the way , followed by a variety of artists ' organisations including the Senefelder Group in England , which has sold its members ' lithographs from the nineteenth century to the present day .
3 THE CAASE FOR PROBLEM SOLVING The Chartered Accountants ' Advisory Service on Ethics answers a variety of members ' enquiries .
4 But a bit like Harris ' execution , whose ugliness prompted calls for decent ‘ lethal injection ’ , it did n't work like that .
5 I think in some ways it 's better , because girls are meant to get on better in the sciences in girls ' schools ; they 're meant to be pushed backwards a bit in boys ' schools .
6 She was secretary of the Tollemarche United Church Willing Workers ' Group , vice-president ( not president ! ) of the Tollemarche Downtown Community Centre , a driver for Cripples ' Transport , a member of the Car Dealers ' Wives Society and , she would remind him , a member of the Committee for the Preservation of Morals .
7 In this case , the economic circumstances of a hospital necessitated , as the only alternative to closure ( in the employer 's view ) , a reduction of employees ' holidays , the abolition of overtime rates , replacement of a generous sick pay scheme by statutory sick pay and a standstill on pay levels .
8 Mr. McAvoy : If any bid included a reduction of employees ' pension rights , may we have a firm commitment from the Minister that the Government would not give that bid the go-ahead ?
9 The hon. Gentleman spoke with anxiety of the possibility of a rise in miners ' wages as a consequence of this Bill .
10 It did a Big Ben chime , and I heard a chorus of kids ' shouts from inside .
11 As I have already suggested , transmission styles are much more widespread than this , though : so familiar a part of teachers ' experience , in fact , that their practice quickly becomes a matter of habit and routine , of taken-for-granted competence , not strategic choice .
12 The aquarium fish form only a part of Chris ' hobby .
13 ( The rockery , left to my care , degenerated into a mass of elephants ' ears and clumps of coarse grass . )
14 Past meets present : a gathering/reunion of CUBs ' chairmen .
15 The answer requires some specification of a ‘ quantity rule ’ ; that is , a description of agents ' behaviour when , because of price stickiness , disequilibrium prevails .
16 While some contributions amount to little more than a description of manufacturers ' software , others delve into the concepts and methodologies .
17 A description in G.Paynes ' Collectania Cantiana tells us that four vases of black ware , one of reddish colour , two cups of imitation Samian ware , two black paterae and the neck of a large goblet with handle were found at a depth of four feet at the feet of ten human skeletons .
18 They then had it driven to Kent , where it was buried in a field behind Richens ' parents ' house in the village of Ightham .
19 The support manoeuvre had been undertaken in order to outbid an existing takeover offer for Distillers from the Argyll supermarket group ; in April 1986 a majority of Distillers ' shareholders voted to accept the Guinness bid , then valued at £2,700 million ( US$5,180 million ) , and the merger of Guinness and Distillers was duly completed after clearance from the Office of Fair Trading .
20 On the other hand , if it was quite clear and unambiguous then a written form was preferred Okay , now a study by Daft et al , Daft as in y'know one marble short of a whatever yeah or okay er Daft et al nineteen eighty-seven had a look at managers ' use of er of these two different media and found that in general most managers were media sensitive .
21 During the past two years , there has been a settlement of travellers ' caravans in a parking area at the centre of Robton in Central Scotland .
22 It will be used by owners , and other users for making decisions in respect of continued investment in that enterprise and help them to form a judgement of managers ' performance etc .
23 Yet with eight sendings-off in all that day there was a case for ending the old year by taking a stand on players ' behaviour in time for the new .
24 What was significant about the Banstead strategy in this respect was that offering continued inpatient care to ‘ decantees ’ was presented by psychiatrists as a protection of patients ' rights , particularly the right to stay in hospital where , they argued , ‘ many resist any suggestion that they should leave the hospital and also become more ill when such suggestions are made … to press such a matter against the patients ’ will would certainly not be in their best interests ' .
25 Background music made a change from bookies ' cries .
26 I do believe he almost tried to catch them but I was too busy by then , swinging up the trumpet case and trying to use it as a battering-ram into Shifty-Eyes ' midriff , or private parts if I was lucky .
27 So you had a stranglehold on Liveseys ' business ? ’
28 What is the net figure a club of Leeds ' size can afford per season in transfers ?
29 NARAL is asking readers of the New York Times to see a loss of women 's rights as a loss of Americans ' rights , thus implying that this is a novel way to look at the matter .
30 That Palestinian Arabs did cultivate the land in the nineteenth century — as a glance at Roberts ' lithographs clearly proves — went unnoticed by Aumann , who concluded his thesis by stating that the contention that 95 per cent of the land of the state of Israel had belonged to Arabs ‘ has absolutely no foundation in fact . ’
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