Example sentences of "a [noun] [prep] [noun] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 This had been the basic premise of a proposal made in late August by the Netherlands ( holder of the presidency of the Council of Ministers in the second half of 1991 ) specifying four conditions for economic convergence : ( i ) a high degree of price stability , indicated by a level of inflation close to that of the best-performing state for a two-year period ; ( ii ) a sustainable government financial position , indicated by budget deficits deemed not to be excessive ; ( iii ) currency within the 2.5 per cent fluctuation margins of the exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) of the European Monetary System for at least two years without devaluation against other member state 's currency ; and ( iv ) a close approximation of comparable interest rates to those member states with the best performance in terms of price stability .
2 Each dose stimulates a reaction to the vital force , which moves up a level in health only to be further stimulated by the following dose which matches the favourable change in the patient and remains completely homœopathic as regards symptoms and potency level .
3 Summarizing , we can conclude that the GGGCCC motif seems to adopt a strongly curved conformation with a direction of curvature opposite to and the magnitude similar to the A-tracts .
4 In his view , in the 1970s the drop in children available for adoption led adoption pressure groups to advocate a kind of fostering closer to adoption , with the natural parents having fewer rights to intervene in the foster placement .
5 It seems these humans are often — unwell — a kind of failure even to non-scuttle .
6 However , Sir Anthony stresses that , almost without exception , those who gave their evidence to the investigation did so with ‘ conscientiousness , care , dignity and with a measure of frankness wholly to be admired ’ .
7 But even in remote situations I would strongly advise against this , after doing as much in a cottage in Appin only to be greeted by the landlord who had popped in to see if we were alright .
8 My favourite tale , comes from Corner Pool , when Rob was fishing one cold March day : ‘ I was about to start at the top of the pool when I happened to spot a flicker of movement close to the north bank .
9 Chapter 18 contains a checklist of terms normally to be found in contracts concerning computer hardware and software .
10 The reason , one supposes , for their usefulness in the wind band rather than the orchestra is no doubt the weight and solidity of tone which overcomes in the former combination any disadvantages which might be caused by the highly individual tone-colour of the saxophones , and thus enables them to enrich the texture and , by their vitality , to add the gaiety and fun which are such marked features of their character , as well as a brand of melancholy particularly to be associated with the alto instrument , hence its occasional use for solo work .
11 Someone will reach for a tin of fish-paste only to be brought up short by another member of the party reminding them that fish-paste is unclean , while someone else may get as far as the checkout with a year 's supply of baked beans , when , across the crowded shelves of the supermarket , comes a voice reminding them of the danger they are facing .
12 There has been a delegation of powers downwards to the Réunion and individual museums , and in 1991 the Réunion changed its statute to operate more like a private enterprise .
13 Perhaps non-clinical legionellosis follows exposure to small numbers of bacteria alone , the clinical form occurring as a result of exposure either to a large dose of bacteria or to legionellae packaged in amoebae .
14 A piece of toast halfway to her mouth , Joanna nodded then , taking a large bite , she murmured , ‘ Uhmm . ’
15 Too often she had seen her mother frowning with anxiety as she divided the contents of her father 's wage packet up between the jars labelled ‘ Rent ’ and ‘ Electric ’ and ‘ Coal Money ’ , too often at the end of the week she had watched her count out the pennies for a pound of sausages only to be able to buy just a half-pound , two for her father , one each for Paula and Sally , and only the scrapings of the pan to go with her own potatoes .
16 I know Mother traded with him from time to time , and once sent a quantity of wool away to another mill and had some back as grey blankets .
17 ‘ I 'll beam you up to a point in space close to the centre of a galaxy .
18 It appeared that Armenian militia had attacked a convoy of refugees from Khojali to Agdam ( a town in Azerbaijan close to the Nagorny Karabakh border ) .
19 With a string of achievements already to his credit , including the development of such diverse destinations as Dallan in China and Rostov-on-Don in Russia , the former chief executive of the Greater Glasgow Tourist Board hopes to see Derry move forward as a ‘ unified community capable of competing with the best in Europe ’ .
20 who believed that ‘ human sexuality in all its richness is a gift of God gladly to be accepted , enjoyed and honoured , as a way of both expressing and growing in love , in accordance with the life and teaching of Jesus Christ . ’
21 ‘ Sex was a means of access both to the life of the body and the life of the species . ’
22 Such deposits would normally earn a rate of interest close to the equivalent of the average rate of discount at the most recent Treasury bill tender and would be called in amounts set as a percentage of eligible liabilities .
23 There was a flight of stairs directly to their right .
24 This appears when a holiday firm either itself generates , or is absorbed into a sequence of activities parallel to its own business .
25 Suppose , then , that such a tenant went off to war , from a sense of duty either to his King or to his God , or in the hope of booty , not knowing if and when he would return .
26 He paused , a spoonful of egg halfway to his mouth .
27 Thus , from a national view , only the University of Cambridge through its Board for Extra-Mural Studies was undertaking a significant volume of new Chapter III activity and it was a matter of concern both to the National WEA and the District that its encroachment into the established and defined sphere of provision should be limited to the two counties in which earlier and exceptional arrangements had been agreed .
28 Hitchens Quality Homes has developed a number of properties close to the golf club , ranging from two bedroom detached bungalows ( £159,500 ) to three bedroom three storey houses ( £169,950 ) .
29 ‘ There are a number of hurdles still to be got over , and a number of issues to be negotiated between BAe and Raytheon .
30 One Home has had great success with an art therapist who came over to take classes , combining residents from a number of Homes close to each other .
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