Example sentences of "a [noun] [noun sg] do [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 It 's not a whoop it 's not a whooping cough do n't get me wrong but it 's you know he 's chesty
2 The modern pressures on a clergy family do not seem to be explained to the laity .
3 Her fervour and her depiction of a siege mentality do not transfer too easily to Britain .
4 If you have just missed a limitation period do not panic , get a second opinion , and keep your firm and your insurers informed .
5 If you make a mistake when drawing a design on a pattern sheet do not despair , I have found that W.H. Smith 's ‘ Cover-up strips ’ will cover wrongly marked black squares .
6 A baby carriage Do n't mean a marriage —
7 Since the 1990 Budget , parents with a child in a workplace nursery do not pay tax on the value of the care , but women employed by companies that either ‘ buy ’ places at private nurseries or the 60 or so firms such as British Gas , National Power , Debenhams and BMW which issue childcare vouchers ( worth an average £27 a week ) must pay tax on what is treated as a perk .
8 Though all members of a cycle group do not need to be competent in all five of the recognised face skills , the team as a whole must be able to deploy sufficient resources on each shift to man the roles likely to arise .
9 Parties to litigation in the High Court or a county court do not receive a full written judgment containing the trial judge 's reasoning .
10 But if you have any unhappy memories from being forced into team sports and cross-country runs as a school child do n't try and repeat them — try something new !
11 It is essential that the members of a history department do not see the introduction of National Curriculum history as their entire curriculum .
12 You could have warmed it up with a hot water bottle or a heat pad do n't leave it there with the baby in it , but you can certainly warm the bed first , you can warm the baby 's clothes , keep them in the airing cupboard , or lots of houses around here have Agas do n't they ?
13 Accordingly , an appeal will automatically be allowed if an appeal committee do not consider that to give effect to the preference would result in such prejudice .
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