Example sentences of "a [noun] [be] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A railway company came to Wall 's aid and before long a trial was held under floodlit conditions .
2 As well as wearing film badges , some employees are investigated for internal contamination by radioactive substances if this is believed to have occurred , and one father of a case was tested for internal contamination by uranium in the year before his child had leukaemia diagnosed .
3 A referendum was allowed under Philippine law to overturn legislation or to amend the Constitution if at least 3,000,000 signatures , amounting to 10 per cent of the 30,000,000 electorate , could be gathered in support of it .
4 Exploration and appraisal expenditures are defined as intangible fixed assets until a decision is reached concerning commercial viability of the fields to which they relate .
5 And in Ansiminic Ltd. v. Foreign Compensation Commission it was held that a statutory provision that decisions of the Commission were not to be ‘ called in question in any court of law ’ was ineffective to exclude the quashing of a decision vitiated by jurisdictional error of law : its only effect was to prevent a decision being quashed for non-jurisdictional error of law .
6 Ashida 's views were conveyed to Washington but a decision was taken against separate peace treaties with Germany and Japan .
7 Thus , if a driver is faced with Red ( Y ) , Amber ( Y ) and Green ( Y ) , the first column indicates that the driver should stop and call the police .
8 A reduction is promised in human exposure to lead , the EC ban on cadmium use [ see above ] will be supported and all identifiable polychlorinated biphenyls will be phased out and destroyed by 1999. * Water quality .
9 For example , in Herriot 's ( 1969 ) experiment , the interpretation of a sentence was influenced by general knowledge about the likely connection between two people , such as a lifeguard and a bather .
10 He submitted that the concept of a peculiar domestic law differing from the general law of the land was artificial since in practice the charter and statutes of a university are expressed in ordinary legal language and applied in accordance with the same principles as those applicable under the general law .
11 Five of the print dresses and a cloak were put into general production and the rest , acting as powerful crowd pullers , went on display at various ‘ Laura Ashley ’ shops .
12 A prayer was said for Iraqi soldiers , that they might die with the name of Jesus on their lips and be saved from eternal damnation .
13 However there is one powerful objection that must be considered , namely the so-called ‘ floodgates ’ argument , which is based on the fear that if such a concession were granted to war-tax protesters , the door would then be opened for other tax-refusal campaigns in opposition to various other governmental activities , including , perhaps , opposition to paying tax for welfare .
14 ‘ Therefore the time would surely come when mind would control matter — he forecast a field being ploughed by remote control — and eventually Man would conquer sickness and become immortal .
15 When a contract is made following initial telephone contact and one party tries to rely on its standard terms , it is likely that the other will dispute the incorporation of the terms .
16 Serious difficulties can arise when a contract is varied without proper consideration of the effect of the variation on the expert clause .
17 the operating priorities of a CMHT are set by manifest , but more importantly latent lines of local service policy ; without clear specifications as to the roles of team members , members will drift towards their common ground ; where team members have no actual or perceived authority to coordinate services , they will create their own service niche to fill ; where teams have little direct control over service resources , their own role will be limited to using their own personnel as resources .
18 His regular hand-washing using alcohol as a disinfectant was reported by foreign hosts as well as witnessed ( off camera ) at public events in Romania .
19 A ban was imposed on public meetings and masked gunmen on Jan. 3 fired into a peaceful pro-Gamsakhurdia demonstration of about 2,000 people , killing two and injuring at least 27 .
20 The looser structure of many Languedocian and meridional towns , with their consuls and syndics , never developed in the south-west , and from 1261 onwards the tendencies with Bordeaux showed towards becoming a city-republic were tempered by ducal intervention to appoint its mayor and jurats .
21 In Chapter 6 , a dynamic series was developed between parallel lines using a control point on one of the parallels and a GP was projected between parallel lines using a control square .
22 They are most useful in education , because students are able to get a fast turn-round while at the same time learning the principles of operation of a particular software package , and in draft map production , where a cartographer is experimenting with different map designs .
23 Aggression in a horse is displayed in different ways .
24 At Llandudno Junction would-be thieves in a boat were foiled by local people , and in another incident two men trying to steal a refrigerator were put to flight by furious residents .
25 Neither a sole trader nor a partnership is inhibited by legal formalities when commencing trading .
26 The Raasay Ironstone which had been discovered by Woodward in 1893 was assessed and as a result was worked by German prisoners of war .
27 A study was made of various options for the future of the laboratory and it was decided to diversify into commercial work of both a non-nuclear and an applied nuclear nature .
28 A drive in a limousine is passed by silent vote .
29 Such a collapse is accompanied by sudden mass-loss , giving the system a velocity impulse which could result in ejection from the cluster core .
30 Some lifts have rails that can fold up at the bottom if space is tight or if a doorway is going to obstructed .
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