Example sentences of "a [noun] [conj] [vb past] [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 He picked up a toy and placed it with the others on the pile .
2 Opening her case , she took out a syringe and filled it with a heart and respiratory stimulant .
3 ‘ He does n't live in a void , ’ said the poet 's wife on television , in a cut that shook her with its glibness .
4 Dunkirk in the early summer of 1940 meant the arrival of an exhausted Belgian soldier , who was a teacher and helped me with my French .
5 This week the Science Policy Research Unit , stung by the attacks , withdrew a press release announcing the report and titled Britain 's biggest telescope — a failure and replaced it with one titled Britain 's biggest telescope — how well has it performed ?
6 If she had walked into a room and found him with her bag in his hands , the decision would have been made for her .
7 And he adds , ‘ I cut a picture of her marriage from a newspaper and carried it with me all my life , through all my moves and all my travels . ’
8 Apparently this new method had been tried out down south and it seemed ideal for the temperamental Orkney climate because you harvested when it was green and then you put it in a pit and packed it with a tractor and then you left it until it turned black and rotted and then you cut it up in chunks and fed it to the cattle .
9 Then in his foolish exhilaration he had leaped into a tree and spotted them with his binoculars .
10 A fat white cat sat on a wall and watched them with sleepy eyes .
11 For more than four years he rented a luxury flat near his home at a cost of £385 a week and showered her with expensive gifts .
12 I found a photograph of Paul as a baby in one of the albums I kept in the loft , and after the ceremony I wrote the name of the new catapult on the back of the picture , scrunched it up around a steelie and secured it with a little tape , then went down , out of the loft and the house , into the chill drizzle of a new day .
13 The words were delivered with a flatness that stopped her with her hand on the door .
14 Ten years ago , in the attempt to prove that the mammalian brain naturally contained a substance with opiate-like activity , Kosterlitz 's colleague John Hughes regularly got up at 4 o'clock in the morning , collected pigs ' brains from a slaughterhouse and pulverised them with a steel rod in the basement toilet of a laboratory in Aberdeen .
15 At last he sent for a chaprassi and sent him with me to look for something , but on the way I found nice Mr Dickensen , an American from the University in Rangoon .
16 Again , if a dog-owner deliberately sets his dog on a peaceable citizen he is guilty of assault and battery in the ordinary way just as if he had flung a stone or hit him with a cudgel .
17 The Victorian doll filled a teapot and covered it with an egg cosy .
18 They charged you a fortune and left you with nothing but a hopelessly constricting grid .
19 At first light I gave Taff a shake and presented him with a mug of tea .
20 He fished out a cigar and lighted it with fingers which were trembling .
21 He was thrown out of Chicago and fled to New York where he built a palace and filled it with Old Masters .
22 She 'd had a wondrous time with another man , a time that filled her with remembered textures and sensations , that would have left her smiling now if Parr had not become so damned intrusive .
23 Not the clankings and gratings of the Zoo which lay off in the distance to his right , now obscured by the trees over which he had flown in the night , but the call of a thousand birds whose busyness and life shook his fears off him for a time and replaced them with a sense of wonder .
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