Example sentences of "a [noun] [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] him " in BNC.

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1 All they had in common , to begin with , was this terrible need : Rich for a mentor who would make him grow , Philip for a pupil who would take on the weight of unspent devotion .
2 Once again , it 's flagging below a level which would give him confidence for London , yet his form over shorter distances has been good , highlighted recently by a new course record of 38:20 at the Thorney 12K in Peterborough .
3 She got herself a job in Reading college , she got somebody to take her down there and a place to get an English A Level , and Mary said it 's a thing with her she wants to get this English A Level cos her father had one and she feels that is she could get and English A Level it would impress him , he , she spends her life trying to impress her father who does n't really takes much notice of her , .
4 He was to give him a part which would take him into the West End a few months after leaving school , write a special role for him in what would be his first film , introduce him to his future wife and , through one of his sons , Brook , provide him with a lifelong younger ‘ brother ’ .
5 His response to a Christian who might approach him with the request to convert to Hinduism would be to urge him to try to be a good Christian since the Gītā could offer him no more than the Bible .
6 His grandmother said if it was a fact he would not get a grant she would finance him but that he should find out .
7 So , the desire for a yacht which would take him and his wife on a worldwide cruise , comfortably and quickly , led them to Warwick Collins after they had seen one of his previous yachts , called Fondue , a 38-footer ( 11.5m ) .
8 ‘ I believe he is smart and intelligent enough to realise he is now at a club which can satisfy him emotionally .
9 After screening for some months on the surface of the mine , a boy would then link up with a collier who would take him as help-mate or butty in his stall .
10 W. Roberts writes from Jersey to ask for some help in the design of a circuit which will allow him to adjust the timing of engines fitted to a light aircraft .
11 Right er you will have gathered probably that Mark wanted to ask a question I 'll let him start written down and also express his concerns here .
12 Sampras , meanwhile , was planning to talk with Tom 's twin brother , Tim , who has been working with Eliot Teltscher and , although nothing had been settled at the time of writing , Andrew Agassi was looking for a coach who could help him improve what he knows remains a fundamental weakness in his game — his serve .
13 and he had to find a girl who 'd let him do it to her .
14 If it 's a boy we 'll call him Dennis , and if it 's a girl , Denise .
15 Note the enormous flexibility compared with a routine which would tell him only how to get from one particular point to another .
16 In his last year at Devonport High School in Plymouth he set himself the aim of finding a job which would earn him £5 a week , because up to that time , his father , a Westcountryman , had never achieved such a princely sum .
17 His idea of heaven would be for someone to design a device which would allow him to read a book in there .
18 After a while they must follow him and be armed with dagger and sword .
19 Course , he wanted to know if we 'd got a video we could lend him .
20 He had gone early , before it was too unbearably hot , to see if he could obtain a newspaper which might tell him what was happening .
21 Find the reason why the pupil spelled the word that way , and there is a chance you can teach him not to .
22 The story of the American expatriate who shipped over his water-bed and then had to spend months trying to find a landlord who would allow him to bring it into his property is a good example .
23 So it 's in a minute I should see him
24 From childhood he had been fascinated by natural history , and at Cambridge he decided on a career which would enable him to combine medical research with his interest in comparative biology .
25 Less than a year later he was embarked on a career which would take him from the industrial grime of Taibach into films and on to the West End with hardly a pause for breath .
26 And even now , as he never has time off for spending the twenty-something quid a week they 'll dish him for the one-hundred-and-twenty-hour stint he puts in most weeks , he could just afford a wife and kid .
27 The Englishman told me that if someone came up to him in a queue he would punch him in the face .
28 The idea of a woman who would save him was not new , but it had become real , it was no longer fantasy .
29 He was going to Marianne — to a woman who 'd welcome him with both body and mind .
30 Dreaming of ensnaring a visitor who will whisk him off to fabulous Detroit , Sonny is completely unaware that ‘ people do n't go there .
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