Example sentences of "a [noun] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He sort of was a bit you got him a bit could n't say .
2 John was a catalyst who gave them the exposure .
3 They do not uplift or inspire by style or ‘ credo ’ as do , say , C S Lewis , Primo Levi or Bonhoeffer 's LETTERS FROM PRISON , but James and Spark certainly have a richness of language and a liveliness which makes them a good read .
4 ‘ But its situation , ’ continues Johnson , ‘ seems well chosen for pleasure , if not for strength ’ ; and then in half a sentence he gives us a glimpse of local life and activity : ‘ It stands at the head of the lake and , by a sloop of sixty tuns , is supplied from Inverness with great convenience ’ — which description immediately conjures the vessel plying up and down Loch Ness with provisions , armaments , soldiers ' wives .
5 One day Tom came to see me and poured out a story which told me the other side of his ambitious , over-achieving self .
6 With great trepidation and much backsliding the tsar eventually granted the serfs a sort of freedom , but if their interests had been dear to his heart he could have committed himself earlier and pressed harder for a settlement which gave them an economically viable future .
7 During 1991 his position was undermined by a series of minor scandals concerning his use of government aircraft and cars for private business , a practice which earned him a public rebuke from Bush .
8 One , it was true , still sported a bruise which gave her a rather raffish air , but it was already fading .
9 In August 1910 she suffered a heart attack , and two years later she had a stroke which left her a paralysed cripple .
10 For when I was hungry you gave me nothing to eat , when thirsty nothing to drink ; when I was a stranger you gave me no home , when naked you did not clothe me ; when I was ill and in prison you did not come to my help . ’
11 Carey addressed the wealthy directly , quoting Jesus ' parable about the sorting of the goats ( the wealthy ) from the sheep ( the poor ) in St Matthew 's gospel : ‘ The curse is upon you … for when I was hungry you gave me nothing to eat , when thirsty nothing to drink ; when I was a stranger you gave me no home , when naked you did not clothe me ; when I was ill and in prison you did not come to my help . ’
12 The head of the family when I first remember them was William Henry Bayles who was Grandmother 's cousin and the father of a lady who taught me a little bit of music .
13 There is published evidence that P cepacia is transmissible , directly or indirectly , between individuals , and that in a proportion who acquire it the infection is associated with rapid deterioration or death , even when they were previously in good health and clinically stable .
14 Well the rubber 's a , well , you call it a teatle you call it a teatle it 's a rubber .
15 In Kenya Harris Okong'o Arara continues to serve a five-year sentence imposed in 1988 under a law which makes it a criminal offence simply to possess literature critical of the government .
16 I hung a right which cost us a fair amount of starboard body work and a couple of hub caps .
17 We ca n't put all the bells and whistles , and all the , the checks and all the consultations and design reviews onto a job which gives us a fee income of er two thousand pounds .
18 Since his win in 1987 , Swindon has grown , changing the complexion of a town which gave him a majority ofjust 5,000 .
19 And then , somewhere in the house , she heard a sound which gave her a dry , tingling sensation in the mouth like a small , electric shock .
20 Though engrossed in picking his teeth with a match he gave me a long appraising stare before addressing me in rich cockney .
21 There is something in that actually charging a percent it gives you an option that you could do something which would mean that the option was n't cancelled .
22 Stan started to sell his fossil finds to the museum and with the money he earned he was able to buy tools and a microscope which gave him a further insight into the subject .
23 After a while he offered her a cigarette .
24 After a while he gave her a sidelong glance under his enviable black lashes .
25 ‘ I 've heard about a gentleman who visits you every night at the theatre , ’ he said to his sister .
26 I 've arranged with a friend who owes me a favour that I 'll supply the supervisor for medical equipment being flown to Bucharest .
27 As I clambered out of the trench and sat on the grass with my back to a tree he handed me a mess-tin full of very tasty Machonachie stew which I soon polished off .
28 He asked a policeman who owed him a favour that he wanted no-one to know about .
30 We bought him and his friends a drink which gave him a chance to quiz us on our movements for the next day .
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