Example sentences of "a [noun] [noun] [verb] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Now you might think , Erm oh a bit finickity saying do it this way , but it 's a good system .
2 She had been following a trail Minter had turned his back on , but Harry had the photographs to keep him on course .
3 The diagram below is presented as a building structure designed to show us how God 's priorities build on one another and support each other .
4 In 1914 he became a master at Eton College , where he remained during World War I , a heart murmur having disqualified him for military service .
5 A clinic has perfected a £3,500 technique to help make them fathers again .
6 In fact the darkness , the whispers , the creaking floorboards , the footsteps and the thought of a stalking murderer had had their usual effect on her : a state of fear that had little to do with pleasure .
7 KGB commanders in Leningrad and Sverdlovsk were known to have opposed the coup , and Popov later said that a tip-off from a KGB officer had allowed him and Yuri Luzhkov ( later appointed to the interim economic council — see below ) to escape arrest .
8 He told the court : ‘ She was chained to a table next to a fan heater to help dry her coat after grooming .
9 Is he further aware of the bribe that that council is offering to its tenants in the form of a rent freeze to try to dissuade them from opting for new landlords in Commission for New Towns and council house properties ?
10 The Queen who gave it to Andy and Fergie as a wedding present has made it clear to her advisors that the Duchess should not be forced to leave , as long as the she adheres to her agreement not to talk about the marriage break up .
11 One of the men I spoke to said that a colleague of his had identified the terrorist suspect from a photograph Carella had shown him .
12 Workers at a department store have had their pensions frozen because money was taken out of the fund before the shop was sold to new owners .
13 That it was a Saturday morning had made his presence possible — he would not have accepted the invitation had it been on some date in the week — and carriages had already piled behind one another in the main street ; evidently it was to be a large party .
14 RAMBO superstar Sylvester Stallone feared last night that a killer hurricane had flattened his FIVE luxury homes on a Hawaiian island .
15 As a loss adjuster tried to contact them , they were collecting the ‘ stolen ’ jewels from a safe .
16 As a result employers came to reappraise their previous strategy of attempting to contain unions by means of active opposition since that was more likely to result in increased government intervention to facilitate recognition .
17 As a result Beaumaris have raised their current points total to 53 as they harass the leaders Llanfairpwll who are on 54 .
18 As a result Shildon had given her tasks which ought to have been easy .
19 Laura wanted to scream at him , aware of a tension headache beginning to grip her head in a vice as the stress of the day 's events began to take their toll .
20 Caught by the uplift of hot air from the fluorescent tubes , all the smoke was drawn into the hood and onto the water 's surface , which just happened to have a protein skimmer waiting to mix it into solution .
21 In the same letter to Nannerl , of 3 or 4 November , 1785 , Leopold was grumbling that he had n't heard a word from Wolfgang recently , but that a journalist friend had mentioned something about a new opera .
22 I think I just heard a car door shut do you wan na go and open the front door for him ?
23 THE sports and leisure company founded in 1980 by the former tennis international , David Lloyd , is planning a March flotation expected to capitalise it at more than £50 million .
24 We had finished a tour of night duty [ 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. ] and a telephone message came to hold us back .
25 I have played in Jamaica where a guard with a machine gun has boarded our team bus — my main concern then was that he would n't be able to shoot straight . ’
26 Jo Saunders , a Re-evaluation Co-counsellor came to suss me out and see whether I was worthy of her efforts .
27 A local bobby who 's helped to halve car crime on a council estate has decided he 's ready for the challenge of another beat .
28 HUNDREDS of couples have taken part in a dream Wedgwood offer to mark their marriages .
29 Likewise in setting up a drama for an already excitable ten-year-old class on their chosen topic of a haunted house , I spent the whole of the first lesson as a pub proprietor refusing to show them how to find the house .
30 See your fitness improve weekly with a Medau class designed to keep your body supple , improve posture and give you that lively feeling .
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