Example sentences of "in [pos pn] [noun] of [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 There are few examples in my data of interactions with small children .
2 The Dutch sellers now relied upon a clause ( clause 13 ) in their contract of sale with the buyers and claimed therefore to have proprietary rights entitling them to have priority over the buyers ' other creditors .
3 Samuels and colleagues seem to have been especially unfortunate in their experience of babies with prolonged expiratory apnoea ( blue breath holders ) .
4 All companies operate primarily in their country of incorporation with the exception of Waterford Wedgwood Australia Limited which operates in Australia .
5 The mosaics from Cirencester ( the Congregational Church site and Locke 's Timber Yard ) , Gloucester , and Bath , although fragmentary , have a comparable simplicity of decoration : in their filling of medallions with simple guilloche ( or thin , dark lines ) , the filling of medallions with single motifs , and the use of complex but regular geometrical filling devices ( alternating with simple floral motifs ) .
6 In their study of patients with peptic ulcer , Schmitz and Renooij report the presence of cardiolipin in quantities comparable with the phosphatidylglycerol values we obtained in chronic atrophic gastritis .
7 Her long training in church circles was evident too in her ease of manner with the other parish women , which contrasted with Penelope 's slightly defiant air resulting from shyness and uncertainty .
8 The mainstream of early French political socialism was for a long time essentially petit bourgeois , in its absence of rapprochement with trade unions , in its party organizational form , and in the social background of its parliamentarians and membership .
9 FAMILIARITY with reports of cocaine barons , death squads and street children will still leave you unprepared for the stories captured by Alonso Salazar in his collection of interviews with the teenage contract killers of Medellin , their families and their opponents .
10 The fact that Chafe ( 1977 ) has suggested that information concerning agent and recipient is not necessarily stored by the individual in a specific arm is perhaps fortuitous in our comparison of English with BSL .
11 So far we have been discussing the intentional aspect of language in our comparison of human with other animal communication .
12 The malignant strictures were also compared with 76 other non-stricturing colorectal cancers in our population of patients with ulcerative colitis .
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