Example sentences of "in [v-ing] with the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 he has , he 's not asked her , he 's nobbled her to actually get involved in helping with the compilation of the training package
2 There is a trace of the multiple overview of Cubism in the treatment of their faces ; for once Modigliani was experimenting in technique , not engaged in grappling with the secret of personality .
3 His experiences there in grappling with the problems of planning the postwar development of the French economy had made him increasingly convinced that effective economic planning was beyond the capacity of any single state , but would depend upon intense cooperation between states .
4 In point of fact , he showed far less difficulty in grappling with the mysteries of electronics than he did in understanding the concept of rappers and street cred , and the multi-racial society , although he experienced no difficulty whatsoever with the problems of racial discrimination .
5 the sole end for which mankind are warranted , individually or collectively , in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number , is self-protection .
6 John Stuart Mill 's definition of the limits of law to curtail individual freedom laid down a simple principle : ‘ that the sole end for which mankind are warranted , individually or collectively , in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number , is self-protection .
7 Mulvey combined this Freudian explanation of pleasure in looking with the theory of the mirror stage in the work of Jacques Lacan , in which the child 's first recognition of itself in the mirror is called a misrecognition , because what the child sees in the mirror is an idealised whole and rounded image at odds with the child 's diffuse bodily experience of itself at that stage in development — it can not yet control its movements , let alone its environment .
8 It is here that an anthropological observing participation comes into its own , for in living with the semantics of the system the analyst has the potential to undertake a rarely used method of social research .
9 Iris Murdoch briefly warmed to Buddhism in her middle years , and more recently adopted a congenially fellow-travelling stance to Christianity much like Larkin 's : ‘ There are advantages , ’ she has remarked in an interview , ‘ in staying with the icons of one 's own people . ’
10 A government survey found that , of those elderly people who were having some difficulty in coping with the tasks of everyday life , about half were helped by members of their family who provided help with shopping , cleaning , the preparation of meals and laundry .
11 Women who have maintained and/or developed an extensive network of personal relationships in middle age are held to be most favourably placed in coping with the problems of old age .
12 Cummings and Henry interpreted this as a ‘ natural ’ process arising from the individual 's loss of skill , energy and determination in coping with the pressures of mainstream social life .
13 To that extent individual fulfilment lay in coping with the demands of society and the dividing line between the private and public domains was blurred .
14 Mr Smith said : ‘ I had no alternative in the interests of public safety and in conforming with the conditions of the fire certificate .
15 There are always dangers in re-programming with the benefit of hindsight as the underlying assumption is that historical circumstances will be the same in the future .
16 In dealing with the ulema of the earlier period , then , one must first take care not to allow to influence one 's thinking unduly the relatively rigid structure of the hierarchy of the later period and the values and attitudes which this helped to foster .
17 A successful policy for tackling the roots of urban disorder was seen as one which sought to involve all the community in dealing with the problems of each area so that they could come to feel that they have a stake in its future ( Scarman , 1981 , para. 6.42 ) .
18 The Government needs both imagination and determination in dealing with the problems of working mothers .
19 The tsar failed to do anything constructive in dealing with the problems of the mass of Russian people .
20 Ah well we will wait and see erm , they 're trying to solve everybody 's problems but ours , er with all this talk about spending money on education , sorting out the traffic problems erm , it 's a pity they do n't spend a bit more time in their budget calculations in dealing with the problems of this council and not those of the county council .
21 There are occasions — perhaps the only occasions when I feel a mild sense of despair in dealing with the affairs of Northern Ireland — when I fear that others assume that all events in Irish history will always repeat themselves exactly .
22 All of this can come as no surprise , since one of the greatest difficulties which confronts the medical legal commentator in dealing with the treatment of the terminally ill is that techniques and technology have developed and changed with such rapidity in the past decade or so that it is only vaguely that the problems are perceived , let alone responded to by developing a general consensus in the form of law .
23 This rule adds a consideration to those already discussed as being relevant to the scope of Ord. 53 , namely whether the High Court ( which hears AJRs ) or the alternative forum is more expert in dealing with the type of issue in question or better equipped to resolve it .
24 Tragically , from experience , I have discovered that Government Departments have not been speedy in dealing with the rights of victims of terrorism in Northern Ireland .
25 In a situation report at 2300 hrs that evening , the Brigade 's Intelligence Officer Capt Nigel Nicolson recorded : " In dealing with the surrender of the German troops south of the River Drau , the Grenadiers are faced with one of the most formidable problems yet encountered .
26 I refer to the 16 local drugs prevention teams which are being brought into action to assist in dealing with the problem of drug addiction among the young .
27 In dealing with the question of possession it adopted the same time-limits as did the Sentences of Paul , as well as the thirty-year rule of late Roman Law .
28 The hospitals play a major part in treating diseases , in dealing with the victims of accidents , and their rehabilitation .
29 Others described problems in dealing with the influences of culture and the ingrained systems of status attributed to ‘ real police work ’ .
30 It was not an unhelpful intervention , Mr. Deputy Speaker , because one of the problems in dealing with the targeting of advertising is that advertisements aimed at adults will be less effective than the Minister may wish if they take account of the fact that children may be present .
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