Example sentences of "in [noun prp] be [vb pp] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 In 1792 wages in Sheffield were said to be so high generally as to allow the leisure-preferring cutlers to live comfortably from working only three days a week .
2 The duplication of titles amongst the different types of institution studied in Sheffield was found to be very low , and in view of the fact that cooperative acquisition is not simple to introduce and that central purchasing agencies tend to delay orders , the authors recommended against it .
3 The Kestrels breeding in Sussex are thought to be resident , but winter status needs further and more exact investigation ; some changes may have occurred since 1938 .
4 Farmers in Ovamboland were reported to be unable to plant crops and to be facing severe stock losses .
5 Mundesley in Norfolk was intended to be a new resort town in 1900 but never succeeded .
6 However , shortly afterwards , curio-sellers in Kano were seen to be selling photographs of the man , his wives and followers , and of some of the incidents that had taken place in December .
7 A mutilated body found in Portugal is believed to be that of a man missing from his home in Oxfordshire for a month .
8 The risk of ethnic conflict in Bosnia-Hercegovina was considered to be too great for that republic to qualify for EC recognition .
9 Despite the brisk sales reported in the last few days before Christmas , December saw a small decline in retail trade compared with the previous year , according to the Confederation of British Industry 's distributive trades panel , said on Tuesday that many retailers had reported a disappointing Christmas , although the results were an improvement on recent months and sales in January were expected to be up on a year ago .
10 Exhibiting in his local village of Stoodleigh in Devon was intended to be little more than a spring clean of his workshop for ceramicist Chris Speyer , but it led to the launch of Yerja Ceramics .
11 Should a fossil reptile found in Scotland be allowed to be sold to Germany ?
12 That would be a scandal anywhere else on the planet , but it will be a blessing for Brazil , where the price rise in May is expected to be more than 30% .
13 Parts of Lyppard Grange at Warndon in Worcester were known to be derelict , semi-ruinous and dangerous 2 years ago .
14 The Rutland jurors again asserted that King John , who seems to have been cast by popular tradition as the villain of the piece , had afforested the greater part of the forest in that country , whereas it seems in fact to have been a creation of Henry I. In Exmoor , the Buckinghamshire part of Bernwood , Cumberland , Worcestershire and Wiltshire the perambulations of 1300 demanded more extensive disafforestments than ever before : more than half the forest area that remained in England was declared to be outside the ancient bounds .
15 Refugee camps here in Amman are said to be crammed to capacity , the authorities are growing more and more concerned about the numbers of Asian refugees , Indians , Bangladeshis , Pakistanis , Philippinos and Thais .
16 Owners of rare pets in Thailand are believed to be killing them off in order to escape prosecution under new legislation which forbids the collection of endangered species .
17 Soon two-thirds of the activists of the Provisional IRA in Ulster were reported to be in prison either awaiting trial or convicted .
18 Soviet troops in Georgia were declared to be an " occupying force " , and the republic announced its refusal to consider signing even defence or economic treaties with the Soviet Union .
19 In some circumstances , a locally-resident examiner may have special expertise , as where evidence as to a marriage in China was ordered to be taken in Hong Kong .
20 Councillors have revealed that 293 people in Hartlepool were found to be homeless and in priority need in the first three quarters of 1991/92 compared to 320 in the whole of the previous year .
21 Known opioid use in Wirral was found to be heavily concentrated in the larger , socially deprived communities .
22 AN unemployed resource centre in Cleveland is believed to be in financial difficulties .
23 However , only those who believe in God are allowed to be the King 's officials .
24 When she disappeared , the charity 's bank account here in Britain was found to be empty .
25 The stones at the Merry Maidens stone circle in Cornwall are said to be musicians who accelerated their pace until they became petrified with exhaustion .
26 According to a DCDA telephone survey four places in Stockton are said to be very rarely vacant and 21 on North Tyneside , due to be ready from April , are already subject to a long waiting list .
27 She said a picture of Gunnergate Hall in Marton was claimed to be of Grey Towers , which is on the Poole Hospital site in Nunthorpe .
28 Iran and pro-Iranian forces in Lebanon were thought to be particularly angered at the lack of pressure by the USA on Israel to obtain the release of more than 300 Lebanese Moslem hostages in south Lebanon .
29 The average selling price for a one-bedroom flat in Manchester was reckoned to be around £11,000 at that time ( in contrast to at least £25,000 in London ) .
30 COUNCIL tax bills in Darlington are set to be at least £75 more per property than Government projections , councillors heard yesterday .
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