Example sentences of "in [noun prp] [subord] he [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Ralph had taken his children to the Disney resort in Florida because he thought they would enjoy it , but he had fallen in love with Mickey Mouse himself .
2 I tried to impress upon the child that if he had landed in England before he met me , he would not have spoken English and people there might have regarded him as ridiculous .
3 It is as if they are saying , ‘ We believe in Jesus because he proved who he was by working miracles . ’
4 It happened during a holiday tour Chris and her husband John took in China after he completed his part of the OSART at Daya Bay nuclear power station ( see below left ) .
5 He became the most high-profile newscaster in Britain when he made his debut as the programme 's anchorman .
6 He had been serving in France when he met her , they had married as soon as the Hun had been finished off , and after the honeymoon it had been back to the colours for him and straight over to Ireland .
7 Edgar thanked the Danes for their support and allowed them to live under such laws as they might choose , and it must be significant that Swegen landed in Lincolnshire when he made his bid for the kingship in 1013 , and that in 1066 King Harald of Norway made for York , where he had hopes that the citizens would assist him in his endeavours .
8 The England number two was on his way to see Gazza play in Rome when he phoned his son .
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