Example sentences of "in [noun prp] [conj] she [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It 's only appeared in Harlow and she told me it would get in the Bishop 's Stortford one but it has n't so far .
2 So she watched television and erm Princess Diana erm said something shocking at lunchtime at a luncheon party or lunch party and erm maybe just erm ten days before that Princess Diana 's announcement we were told by the Register Teacher that we will have an assignment of in February and we will compare some newspapers articles and maybe she did n't explain very erm specifically but she just gave us erm the brief information about er register assignment in February and she told us that we should er we should collect some newspapers about the same title was about the same topic and ho we should compare how each newspaper treated , treats the er news or what do you call that ?
3 It was last year in Denmark that she reached her lowest ebb .
4 She warned me against noticing only the differences between life in the Indian sub-continent and in England and she warned me about being seduced by the apparent ‘ exoticness ’ of it all .
5 I met her in Cambridge and she introduced me to her new boyfriend who was a Dutchman called Erik Hazelhoff-Roelfzema , I was most impressed with this keen and very handsome young man , but I knew nothing whatsoever about him save that he was anxious to get into the Pathhnders .
6 Disgust rose in Theda as she made her way along the gallery .
7 Ever since she had left school Paula had worked in one of the big department stores in Bristol and she loved it , although the lengthy journey made for very long days and the bus fares ate holes in her meagre salary .
8 This was attended by the daughters of the best society in Funchal until she closed it in 1892 .
9 ‘ She only bought it in October and she had me wash it every Saturday since , ’ says Tim fingering the glossy body of the car he now drives .
10 This gave her an opportunity to work in Bradford and she extended her interest and investigations into the period of time between 11 and 14 , when a child becomes a woman .
11 ‘ I saw Miss Lofthouse in Thirkett and she told me .
12 Liz had never admired , and had at times expressed somewhat freely ( and in her own view wittily ) her lack of response to Henrietta 's frigid style and vapid conversation , but nevertheless felt herself , in Henrietta 's presence , rendered almost as dull as Henrietta , and moreover uneasily aware that in other houses , in other milieux , at a distance , in other circles , she had seen Henrietta sparkling , laughing , surrounded by life — vacuous life , feverish small talk , no doubt , but life — a life that froze in Liz as she contemplated her guest 's stiff blue taffeta gown ( this was surely a gown , not a dress , and , not even English , probably French ) , her exposed white bosom , her diamond necklace ( well , probably diamonds , why not ? ) , her high white forehead , her thin dark-red lips .
13 ‘ Is that what she was doing in London when she told him she was in Wales with her sick mother ? ’
14 Mrs Doughty-Wylie had constituted herself his godmother after her husband had been killed in Gallipoli and she induced him to change his name and join this regiment .
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