Example sentences of "in [det] [noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 They may not have found quite the soulmate in each other that they had been looking for , but their relationship has made up for it in other ways .
2 Eileen 's death had made the lot of them aware of depths in themselves and in each other that they had not known of before .
3 She was holding a suspender in each hand like she had a skipping rope .
4 what I 've tried to do is not to and we 've had the money , is to buy one in each set cos we have n't got the money to buy full sets , thirty books is a joke !
5 ‘ Anders is not in that category but he has other things to offer .
6 It 's got , I mean , surely the , the middle peasants or even the rich peasants the group of people that are gon na be most productive in the economy erm so you know your reform has to be fairly moderate in that sense that they have to be able to promote
7 Then there was always the harvest home dance , and then the school , that was the only place we had to dance in that day and they had it decorated with various kinds of the the the c corn dollies and erm
8 has been affected on the revenue front mainly in the medical publishing but to some extent in the erm in the financial sector although we 're still absolutely market dominant in that sector but we 've increased the circulation there by ten percent .
9 We are standing in that kitchen where I 've shared her meals and laughter , and she finishes drying the glass and places it carefully on the table .
10 Also a receiver is only appointed over the assets of a company and does not control the shares in that company unless he has been appointed receiver over the assets of its holding company .
11 Ward 's payment was agreed with Saunders ‘ a man who had huge authority in that company because he had picked it up by the scruff of the neck and transformed it . ’
12 Well in that case and they 'd been stopping them for us you see and er excuse me stopping them for us and whoever decided to speak to them has had his few words and that 's it carry on .
13 She is very frightened of falling ill in that flat as she has no one to look after her ’ .
14 There 's a who er er a whole series of other reports , Bernhope and Fauder for instance , critical of er audit reports er report in in that context and I have to say to the minister er that none of the auditors criticised by D T I reports over the years have actually be disbarred from er from practice .
15 Colleagues I 'd just like to put one of er John 's themes and that is that for the next couple of days we 've got a hell of a lot of business to get through and er we 've done quite well so far but er I would certainly be looking where possible colleagues for formally seconding er , as often as possible , if not all the time and I really appreciate your er your assistance in that regard because we have a great deal of business to get through in the next two days .
16 A great deal has happened in that time and I have enjoyed every minute of it .
17 in that silence when we have put
18 Not that he could not have held the ball up in that wind if he had been so minded .
19 And er happily we went along in that situation and I 've got to say this er I had shop stewards who even if they were new shop stewards coming into the committee , were n't long in developing the same train of thought as ourselves and , and you know we dealt with things in such a manner but er we were efficient just as efficient , you know , as our members were on the production line , and perhaps a little more efficient than the management in determining times .
20 In that shop that I 've just told you about , there was , they had square rugs sometimes a bit about twenty six , twenty seven quid .
21 ‘ I probably committed more fouls in that game than I have throughout my entire career — I was that determined to do well . ’
22 I will be arguing in this address that we have been as guilty as many other sections of our community in treating it too lightly , or in putting it lower down in our order of priorities than it ought to be ; but it has never been entirely absent from Christian thought or theology .
23 Well , in this passage that we 've been reading , we have just such a conversation , two men who are on the verge of death .
24 Now I suppose for most of us because of the very fact were here this morning they have been few and far between such experiences , perhaps what is more common is that we may have spent time with someone who was dying , their last few hours , their last few minutes , and if they were not unconscious I wonder what sort of conversation would be going on between us and them , what sort of things would we , would we of been saying , what would we be asking us , well in this passage that we have been reading we have just such a conversation , two men who are on the verge of death , death can only be hours away for both of them , and here they have this conversation , it was in that sense it was one of the strangest interviews any body ever had with Jesus not only is the , the account here of er a death bed conversion , but the one who is saving is also in the process of dying .
25 Many times in this council when we 've been discussing more important points , when we 've been discussing the needs of people who have real needs , we have not been able to have our priority we have not been able to have our priority because we could not afford it .
26 ‘ I could n't live in this mess if I had a woman , ’ he said .
27 I think it 's true to say that the design responsible company , Deutsch Aerospace erm has discovered that er there 's a lot more software in this system than they had originally imagined and the , their sub contractors of course , they 've had to er write various parts of that for them and erm putting together the four elements of the programme has been a lot more complex than anyone imagined .
28 So I says What we can do is I 'll do an hour for you , we 'll move the piano and other bits , bicycles in this case that he had , we 'll shift them to the house close by , drop two men off , and one man 'll come and do the remainder of the work .
29 But they 're not the only ones , by the way , I 'm also concerned about the fact that more and more young people seem to be in this syndrome and I 've a feeling that that comes down not just to government things , but also to the problems in the family as a whole .
30 Britain had always performed well in this competition and we had a strong team once again .
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