Example sentences of "in [det] [adj] [noun] are [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Her love scenes in this voyeuristic thriller are with the hot new actor Billy Baldwin .
2 Reserves and production figures quoted in this annual report are on a working interest basis unless otherwise stated .
3 The firms participating in this new company are among the main contributors to Conservative Party funds .
4 Although many of the massage techniques in this illustrated guide are for two people to practise on each other , as you can clearly see from the simple techniques over the page , massage is something that you can successfully achieve alone .
5 Over 90 per cent of entries in all technical subjects are from boys .
6 Employment figures show the continuing ‘ domesticity ’ of women 's work roles : the bulk of women workers in all industrialized countries are in teaching , nursing , shop work , clerical work and factories making domestic products like clothes and food .
7 Rainoldes apart , the transgressions associated with the boy players , be they actual or imagined , rendered the theatrical self-consciousness surrounding transvestism complex and shifting ; it provoked questions teasingly unanswerable : for example — and this is a question which remains intriguing for us today — which , or how many , of the several gender identities embodied in any one figure are in play at any one time ?
8 Not sauntering but fanatically rooted to their hallowed places at the end of the ‘ Up ’ main platform in most big stations are to be found the train-spotters , living proof of George Orwell 's observation that the English are a nation of collectors , in this case of train numbers .
9 Starts in both those countries are at levels close to those of a
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