Example sentences of "in [noun sg] and [vb base] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Should the social anthropologists abandon the pretence that they are natural scientists in disguise and think of themselves only as " scientists " in Vico 's sense — scholars in pursuit of understanding ?
2 Because his rights as a tenant were protected and because in any case the university did n't wish to be seen turfing out an elderly man whose family had lived in the same cottage for five generations , we left him in peace and build around him , as it were , expecting him perhaps to move elsewhere or maybe to pass away .
3 He told me that he meant me no harm , but was a magician , who had made the music play around me , and wished to have my hand in marriage and live in my castle , with me and my brother , in peace hereafter .
4 The black parents are often apathetic and perform no positive function in their children 's progression in sport and stir from their inertness only when some measure of tangible success has been achieved .
5 Check that the rubber seal in the fitting is in place and secure in its seating , ensuring that the groove is clean
6 The paterfamilias , Lyman , was exceeded in fame and influence by his son , Henry Ward Beecher , minister of Brooklyn 's Plymouth Congregational Church from 1847 until his death in 1887 .
7 The villagers hold them in awe and think of them as men of the world .
8 While it is perfectly valid for children to step back from what they have been doing in drama and write about it , the exciting alternative of writing ( or drawing , or carrying out scientific experiments ) within the context of the drama , as the characters they are playing , produces lively and highly motivated work .
9 I can think of no way round this dilemma except that you come in person and explain to her that it is an entirely business-like arrangement .
10 For the Opens he used to go to the course a week or so in advance and play on his own .
11 No , you polish your armour till it gleams , you sharpen your lance and you mount your white charger , you raise your banner , you bid farewell to the grieving city , where the crowd stands in terror and hope at your preparations and your parting .
12 ( Lift glass in air and wait for everybody to stand and raise glasses . )
13 On the other hand , if we ignore the ego and its functions in man and concentrate on his instincts as if they could totally account for his behaviour as they do in animals who lack an ego , we should fall into the alternative trap of failing to account for his culture at all except as the outcome of doubtful instinctual behaviour of an altruistic or civilized kind .
14 We need , therefore , to consider next what have been the most important practical issues , in the closing decades of the twentieth century , which political sociology has to represent in thought and embody in its explanatory or interpretive schemes .
15 There have been several times when I was tempted to try and get in touch and apologise for my attack at the time of Simon 's death . ’
16 ‘ We would still appeal to any member of the public who has any suspicion or information to get in touch and talk to us in confidence .
17 Until a few weeks ago she had been scarcely aware of him except as a friendly and familiar face in class ; but now , now she was very much aware of him — and he was very definitely aware of her ; much to Erika 's embarrassment sitting with her and Rosa at lunch , at the next desk in class , asking her out to the cinema and even , to Erika 's amazement and , she suspected , his own , offering to help Paul with his homework — in the Nordern home , that is — an offer declined both by Erika and Paul , although Paul did corner Fritz in school and suggest to him that if he actually did the homework then he , Paul , would further his , Fritz 's , courtship of Erika ; Paul being shrewd enough to guess the motive behind Fritz 's philanthropic gesture even though the square on the hypotenuse might remain a mystery to him .
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