Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [vb mod] be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The use of ‘ I ’ in soliloquy may be compared to the use of ‘ here ’ in soliloquy .
2 This drop in income can be seen as a private contribution to the cost of care by the family itself .
3 Sterling notes in payment would be sent in a parcel to America , only to be exchanged in US banks for dollars and sent back to the UK again .
4 If this was the case , the proliferation of cells in leukaemia might be brought under control .
5 First asked for ideas for alternative employment to replace the arms industry , Mr. Browne suggested that it was the job of business not governments to provide employment , but he hoped some of the technologies currently used in defence could be deployed for civilian use .
6 Work in progress may be agreed to be brought in at less than its face value to reflect expenses incurred during the period between bill delivery and payment .
7 Each item comprised in Stock and Work in progress shall be valued at its cost as specified in paragraph ( i ) below or its net realisable value as specified in paragraph ( ii ) below , whichever is the lower .
8 assuming that each item comprised in the Stock and work in progress could be sold in the ordinary course of business and allowing for estimated costs required to complete the items and for estimated selling costs on that assumption ; and
9 Although cerebral organisation in adolescence may be characterised by greater functional plasticity than is the case among adults , the picture after left hemispherectomy is essentially one of gross linguistic impoverishment in which comprehension is better preserved than expressive speech .
10 The belated correction : investment in agriculture will be increased by 30% ; curbs on the money supply will be relaxed ; loans will be given to exporters and indebted state enterprises ; ‘ specialised groups ’ will be set up to break ‘ debt chains ’ between enterprises .
11 The problem of mismatch of vocabulary may be illustrated by use of a diagram showing a chain of mismatches , beginning with the English verb " run " , and ending with " die " , and similar verbs in Tamil : " Oodu " in Tamil can be translated in English in some contexts as " run " , and in others as " happen " .
12 Any deviation from this in practice would be taken as a constraint , the analysis having revealed where such constraints are necessary so they can be taken into account when carrying out the audit .
13 The way in which these concepts relate to the rational perspective in resource management in practice will be analysed in the next section .
14 The new National Certificate in Greenkeeping will be recognised for entry to this HNC .
15 All local four-vectors at the same event in space–time can be expressed in terms of the same set of basis vectors .
16 The materials in stock could be resold for £4,000 less 10% selling expenses , or could be used to produce another product after some further processing .
17 Earlier this month , Quebec also broke ranks , announcing that $10 million in aid will be issued to the province 's 256 known infected haemophiliacs and transfusion patients .
18 An insight into the relevance of presentation to parties in Opposition can be found in Conservative policies towards law and order in 1978 .
19 The same Act also provided compensation for people unreasonably excluded or expelled from a union in a closed shop , and required that new closed shops in future should be approved by four-fifths of the workforce .
20 Cornwall was the smallest , and highest cost , of Courtaulds ' three viscose factories and operations in future will be centred on Mobile , in the United States , and Grimsby , in the UK .
21 There are in fact quite a number of exceptions to this proposition , so that in England a county court summons will normally be served by an officer of the court sending it by post and some writs in admiralty may be served by the Admiralty Marshal ; in the United States federal courts , summonses in civil actions are served by a United States Marshal ; but service by the plaintiff or his agent is nonetheless seen as the common law norm .
22 And extra investment in industry will be directed to still further improving that productivity and minimising the need for manpower .
23 you can move them in and out of word processing ( WP ) packages so that a message received in e-mail can be incorporated into a document which you wish to send on or work on ; and ,
24 A lease originally created in equity must be assigned in writing :
25 When contracted with the legitimacy of abortion , this difference in attitude must be attributed to the changed status of the child as before and after birth .
26 We recognize that changes in attitude can be encouraged by good staff training , particularly in management and communication skills , and we would wish to encourage management to offer such training on as wide a basis as possible .
27 We proposed that acid clearance time would be delayed in patients with impaired peristalsis and that the delay in clearance would be correlated with acid exposure time .
28 A further striking difference between countries which is partly cultural in origin can be found in the differing legal rules which apply to business relationships .
29 ( iv ) If the right to sue in libel should be extended to a local government authority it could not logically be withheld from any government authority having separate legal personality .
30 ( vi ) If the court should hold that a right to sue in libel must be allowed to a local government authority , then , in the alternative , this court should , in extending the law of libel to permit actions by a local authority , impose particular restrictions or limitations upon the cause of action , namely that a local authority could only sue for libel upon proof of special damage ; and that the council would be required to prove both the falsity of the allegation and that it was published maliciously .
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