Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Also it was oddly reassuring to recognise the same issues of non-participation , official steam-rollering , and apathy in case studies from Scotland and Appalachia .
2 The Chancellor 's Autumn statement , due between 3.30 and 4pm today , is likely to signal a fresh cut in base rates to 7% or even 6% .
3 The world 's airlines use a variety of methods to account for their fleets , depreciate aircraft and account for foreign exchange gains and losses , and differ widely on their levels of disclosure in income statements for depreciation and finance costs .
4 This has been attributed to cleaner air , social improvements , fewer male smokers , a reduction in tar yields of cigarettes and advances in treatment .
5 Over six years some 50 out of 105 species of weavers ( Ploceinae ) were observed in field studies in West and East Africa , the Seychelles Islands , and the Indian subcontinent .
6 Hornbills , too , live in forests , but also in woodland savannahs in Asia and Africa .
7 C & G was prosecuted for advertising displayed in branch windows at Exeter and Okehampton .
8 ‘ We found incendiary bombs in department stores in Leicester and Huddersfield — fortunately before they 'd gone off .
9 As can be seen in figure women in Nepal and the Ivory Coast spend the majority of their time in housework , whilst the men spend very little time .
10 I was shocked when I first went into the Marsden and saw all these people with no hair , very white , being wheeled around in wheel chairs with cannulas and drips and looking very sickly .
11 difference in accounting policies between acquiror and acquire
12 The contracts covered by SGSA , s 2 are thus in practice contracts of exchange or barter , and contracts for the supply of labour and goods or materials ( eg building contracts ) .
13 In recent years he has become increasingly involved in the conservation of neotropical mammals , and now has a deep involvement in research studies in Peru and Ecuador of the mountain tapir , ocelot and giant otter .
14 Working in car factories by day and playing in blues bars by night , he found success in 1949 with the million-selling Boogie Chillen .
15 The uncompromising attitude of the government at this time was reflected in a proposal announced on Aug. 10 to evacuate Tamils from the whole Jaffna peninsula ( where about 1,000,000 of them lived ) and house them in refugee camps at Vavuniya while the military sought to " annihilate " the LTTE .
16 They were alright , big glass things which you could surround and pack in tea chests with bits and pieces and equipment in .
17 Africa 's reliance on aid is already dangerously high , it is sobering to contrast the difference in aid levels between Asia and Africa .
18 For you must really endeavour to get ahead with your composition , and that you can do if you have in readiness copies of symphonies and divertimenti to present to a Prince or to some other patron … the divertimenti can be copied very quickly , even though it is true that yours have a number of parts and are rather long …
19 Afro-Caribbeans huddled in ghetto areas like Brixton or Southall .
20 Coupling with slow ice sheet and ocean feedbacks can account for orbitally-paced planetwide changes of temperature and CO 2 recorded in ice cores in ways that purely atmospheric models can not .
21 Rugs in jewel shades of emerald and topaz were thrown over the terracotta-tiled floor and the curtains , like the sofa and armchair covers , she had sewn from a heavy cream fabric .
22 For the most part , agricultural education which includes education for horticulture , forestry , poultry husbandry and dairying is carried on in specialist colleges of agriculture and horticulture , together with some general technical colleges .
23 However , in practice often the micros are not to be found near the chalkface : rather they tend to live on trolleys and inhabit locked cupboards in primary schools , and cluster in specialist departments at secondary and FE levels .
24 Provides expertise in specialist branches of forestry and other natural resource disciplines , and awareness of recent developments in those fields .
25 At present , papers in Roman Art and Archaeology are offered in Honour Moderations in Greek and Latin Literature and Latin Literature with Greek and in the Final Honour Schools of Literae Humaniores , Ancient and Modern History and Classics and Modern Languages .
26 Twelve years ago e-mail facilities were often only available to users competent to cope with the basic and rather cryptic tools inherent in operating systems on mainframes or large minicomputers .
27 The senators , Republican John McCain and Democrats Alan Cranston , John Glenn , Dennis De Concini and Donald Riegle , had accepted a total of $1,300,000 in campaign contributions from Keating and his associates in the mid-1980s .
28 The senators , Republican John McCain and Democrats Alan Cranston , John Glenn , Dennis De Concini and Donald Riegle , had accepted a total of $1,300,000 in campaign contributions from Keating and his associates in the mid-1980s and had later intervened on his behalf when he was investigated for criminal fraud .
29 It has often seemed to me that the combination of boredom after intense campaigning and the only alternative offered — luxurious idleness — was indeed reminiscent of what the censorious historians of the late Roman Republic saw as the existence which sapped the fibre of Hannibal 's army when in winter quarters in Campania after Can nae .
30 Recently some attention has been paid to the differences in degree results of men and women and an experiment carried out at University College , Cardiff shows that women 's degree classes improve when a system of anonymous marking is used .
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