Example sentences of "in [noun pl] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , it was on those occasions when Branson had invested in projects not obviously related to the pop milieu that the losses had been greatest ; clothes , restaurants , Event magazine .
2 There are four possibilities which need to be covered : ( 1 ) that he is held out as a partner and is liable as such ; ( 2 ) that he is held out as a partner but is indemnified against liability as such ; ( 3 ) that steps are taken to ensure that he is not held out as a partner ; and ( 4 ) that , even though the original intention may have been as at ( 3 ) , he is in fact held out as a partner , either by the firm or by himself acting in the course of his work for the firm , in circumstances not initially contemplated by anyone .
3 The parties to a takeover offer are required to observe the spirit as well as the letter of the Code and must accept that the spirit of the Code will apply in areas not specifically covered by any rule .
4 The move by the LECs , part of the Highlands and Islands Enterprise network , aims to create new jobs in areas recently worst hit by the downturn in oil fabrication work .
5 In this atmosphere Catholic scholarship has flourished , increasingly in an ecumenical setting and moving in directions not yet envisaged by Dei Verbum .
6 The same considerations of ideological convergence in broad terms and participation in public controversy encouraged the development of antislavery argument after the Napoleonic Wars in directions only lightly indicated in the early stages of the anti-slave trade argument .
7 Peck , though , dismisses the event as ‘ humour ’ and Justin Simpson comments : ‘ If this fable was trustworthy we could scarcely do otherwise than believe that not only was Stamford in days past frequently honoured by the presence of English Kings and Queens , but also that His Satanic Majesty occasionally hunted in the neighbourhood . ’
8 Our own powers certainly do not extend to making permanent allowances for children in families not otherwise entitled to supplementary benefit .
9 They twist on their perches in positions never before seen in life-size British bird illustration , their eyes betraying a sense of character created by the artist 's pen .
10 ‘ The fish can even improve fishing in waters previously so blocked with weeds that they were unfishable . ’
11 Recent evidence , presented by Primrose of Searle shows that genetically-engineered cells can change their character in ways not completely understood after about eight days continuous growth .
12 Whilst it is perfectly true , as Roth points out , that any of the attributes of profession listed by such writers as Greenwood , Gross and Goode can also be found in occupations not usually assigned to the category ‘ profession ’ , we all ( Roth included ) , use the terms ‘ profession ’ and ‘ professional ’ both descriptively and analytically .
13 The Incarnation became a way of instructing the poor and ignorant in truths long since grasped by the wise and philosophically educated !
14 ‘ Even so — ’ he shot her another curious look before concentrating again on his driving ‘ — I 'm sure there were plenty of other openings in careers more obviously suited to a woman . ’
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