Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun pl] [adj] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Carvajál pointed out that in rural areas such as those around San Carlos there were schools without functioning water pumps or sanitary services .
2 Mrs Connie Bunker of Hassex Road , Herspear Point wants to know , ‘ Are the health and social service provisions in different countries similar to those in Britain , and is there a move towards uniformity between the countries in the E E C ? ’
3 The columns showing the proportion who would not break the law are , strictly , redundant , since the information can always be derived by subtracting the proportion who would from 1.0 ; in future tables such as this , these shadow proportions will be omitted .
4 In serious cases such as this , the structures of popular power like the village or community assembly would be turned into a forum for medical discussion — a sort of popular medical audit .
5 Under certain extremely favourable natural conditions the break through the neck of the spur may lead to the formation of a natural arch , but this is unlikely in humid climates such as that of Britain , as chemical weathering would probably never allow such a formation .
6 What is important about this case is that in factual circumstances similar to those before this House the plaintiffs contended for the principle relied upon by Mr. Gardiner and failed to persuade the judge that such a principle existed .
7 They 're sent to Earth in Black Ships such as this — ‘
8 This generates further distrust and resistance which is , in turn , met with further coercion , culminating in gross abuses such as those during the 1975-to-1977 State of Emergency in INDIA .
9 ‘ It is an accepted practice in dire situations such as this that the board is replaced or supplemented by a new board charged with the function of restoring the fortunes of the company and the confidence of customers , ’ the letter says .
10 Pont l'Eveque is one of the oldest of all the cheeses made in Normandy and is distinguished by its square shape , being packed in small boxes similar to those for Camembert .
11 In developing activities such as this , Better Mathematics offers some useful leads .
12 What we do not see , except in isolated cases such as that found in Leeds LEA , is an attempt to bring the enabling qualities of these environments into the education system .
13 In autocratic States such as these limits to the authority of the monarch were imposed by the efficiency of the bureaucracy and the strength of the army rather than by political institutions capable of opposing him .
14 Opposite Passengers on Thomas Cook 's first excursion rode in open carriages similar to these pulled by a replica of Stephenson 's Locomotion No. 1 .
15 Similar theoretical studies have been made in other countries such as that by Professor Norman Rasmussen in the United States , who concluded that the worst possible reactor accident would cause 3300 deaths , 45,000 illnesses , and 1500 fatal cancers which would appear decades later ( Hawkes et al. , 1986 ) .
16 This view is substantiated in recent studies such as that by Drudy and Wallace ( 1971 ) , which compare young people 's aspirations with the types of jobs available in rural areas .
17 If this was the source of the visitors ' continuing jurisdiction in disciplinary appeals , then it was accepted that they would be amenable to judicial review , their situation being in certain respects comparable to that of a visitor to a university or college who holds that position by virtue of his office , cp the Queen as visitor of the University of Hull : see the Page case [ 1991 ] 1 W.L.R. 1277 , 1279 .
18 For example , in rural Cape Province , especially in the famous wine-growing areas , there are groups of Coloured workers who still live in semi-feudal conditions similar to those found among black workers on white farms in other parts of the country .
19 It differs from the more-or-less subconscious concept of " the gentle rain from heaven " type of sedimentation , which probably only applies in special circumstances such as those of the oceanic oozes .
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