Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun sg] [be] that " in BNC.

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1 The great advantage over owning a holiday home in the normal way is that the buyer only pays for one week instead of fifty-two .
2 A further reason for the name change noted in the annual report is that it ‘ acknowledges the growing relationship between entertainment and publishing , both highly creative businesses that are forming closer links because of converging technologies and markets ’ .
3 The assumption made in the empirical literature is that ( no effect on consumer prices ) and ( tax borne in full by labour ) .
4 Another assumption implicit in the above derivation is that the job ‘ offer ’ , once accepted , is kept for ever .
5 Another reason for the prominence of And waited in the above example is that it repeats verbatim information that has already been established in the previous sentence .
6 The betting at the German foreign ministry and in the federal chancellery is that the judges will approve the treaty as it stands .
7 Does not the Prime Minister appreciate that one of the reasons for the very low morale in the Civil Service is that she has appointed so many confirmed Thatcherites to some of the best jobs ?
8 Our principle in the civil service is that all jobs should be available to everyone — irrespective of sex , race , creed or religion .
9 A problem in the other direction was that the greater the leaf cover the greater the amount of reflected light is blocked .
10 The snag in the new venture is that , once again , participants have to travel to a special studio room in a hotel in London or New York .
11 The important point in the present context is that the change from present to past tense destroys the identity of the plural noun ( in this example lies ) and the third person singular verb ( again lies ) .
12 What is noteworthy in the present context is that it was an initiative that was energetically directed by SED and it involved the preparation centrally of curriculum materials for every area of work .
13 The argument about the relation of the different kinds of reason to each other will doubtless ( and necessarily ) continue without resolution ; what is important in the present context is that , in rearticulating the possibility that there is no absolute difference between the two , Lévi-Strauss puts into question Sartre 's definitions of man , human history , and finally his concept of history in toto — all of which are predicated on the dialectic .
14 what it serves to emphasize in the present context is that the user of the STV is inevitably denied knowledge that could influence his preferences .
15 The implications of the arguments about the nature of regions and places reviewed in the previous chapter are that the pattern just described should reflect long-established cultural differences between the places concerned .
16 The most significant change , therefore , in the top half is that funds for the Family Practitioner Services will pass through the Regional Health Authorities , before being distributed to the Family Practitioner Committees .
17 In his view , what makes the task different in the public sector is that many of the objectives are ‘ unquantified and multi-faceted .
18 One of the problems in the public sector is that no one keeps a balance sheet , so there is no proper record of maintenance costs and of depreciating assets — whereas the business man or woman who manages a private care home is alive to the importance of maintenance , and of protecting the value of that asset .
19 For instance , part of the trouble in the clean-air example is that nobody owns the air ; if somebody did , polluters would not be able to dirty it with impunity .
20 One of the main problems for the subject in the inter-war period was that it became increasingly identified as a status quo subject .
21 The major factor in the incremental process is that the previous year 's budget and level of expenditure is not challenged — there is general acceptance that it is valid .
22 One other benefit of fitting the freewheel in the main gear is that the rotor is not encumbered by the rest of the drive train , including the various reduction gears and tail drive and is allowed to spin much more freely than would otherwise be the case .
23 The most depressing element in the whole situation is that Bush changed his objectives every week or two , and the British government followed every twist and turn in American policy , right up to the present .
24 Schattschneider ( 1960 ) remarked acidly that the flaw in the pluralist heaven is that the chorus sings with an upper class accent .
25 The reason we know that God recognises this dimension in the human personality is that he goes to such great lengths to make it very clear that he loves us , and one of his primary commands to us is that we must love one another .
26 A senior French official … explains , ‘ What is disturbing in the German attitude is that it betrays a very hegemonial mentality .
27 What gives this paper its particular importance in a philosophical sense is that it implicitly raises questions about the nature of knowledge in social work — or what we take to be knowledge about social work .
28 Oh , there was still sex , but what astonished her in a distant way was that he did n't notice any difference .
29 As Moon points out , one of the major advantages of organising the curriculum in a modular framework is that it can avoid stereotyping .
30 All we ask of anyone coming to live in a civilized city is that they accept the code of behaviour of civilized , decent people ’ etcetera , etcetera …
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