Example sentences of "in [art] [noun sg] [conj] [v-ing] it " in BNC.

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1 In even smaller gardens the only solution may be a bamboo wigwam smothered with runner beans , into which junior can crawl and consider , if not the lilies , why Mum and Dad are digging a huge hole in the lawn and filling it with sand .
2 ‘ It is very evident that since the publication of the paperback the campaign against it has subsided , to such an extent that even one of my most hardline critics , the British Muslim Dr Kalim Siddiqui , was recently quoted in the Guardian as saying it is time to forgive and forget , which is a rather extraordinary volte-face from someone who was until recently asking for my head on a plate .
3 Between doses the water is best agitated by lifting a spoonful up in the air and allowing it to splash back in the glass ten or twenty times .
4 The wrist moves to get the plate spinning and when it is going fast enough you stop the stick and , because of the hollow in the plate , the stick goes to the middle After practice you can try tossing it in the air and catching it or passing it behind your back .
5 This she did rather neatly by picking it up , tossing it in the air and catching it in her throat ; it was like a party trick .
6 The mass rally in Florence by the Christian Democrats — who are increasing their support in the south and losing it in the north — to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the start of the Christian Democrat movement , and the appeal to ‘ trust those who know how to govern ’ , seemed curiously old-fashioned and out of key .
7 ‘ Exercise is good for it , ’ he said , the familiarity of the Butts lost in the fog and making it necessary for him to still proceed carefully .
8 If she left him long enough , sitting in the dark in the boathouse and thinking it over , perhaps he would never do anything wrong again .
9 I hope , and I shall be bringing it up at the next police committee , that we will commit ourselves to that initiative will a view to bringing in those two pilot schemes in the county and extending it at a later date .
10 He pressed a button on his desk-console , absent-mindedly dipping his pinkie in the cocaine and running it across his gums .
11 Maire Carroll , serving in the shop and hating it , felt a firm and vicious sense of satisfaction over the fate of Eve and Benny , but of course she pretended great care and concern .
12 We walked past a man making a mud wall between two wooden planks , pouring in the mud and banging it down .
13 Check all taps , showers , baths and waste pipes for efficiency by running the water full on , and test the WC by putting a piece of loo paper in the pan and flushing it .
14 Indeed , some plants were even named thereby , for example , the ‘ day 's eye ’ ( daisy ) , so-called in allusion to its revealing its yellow disc in the morning and concealing it again in the evening .
15 I am all in favour of paying this amount to the author , but I fail to see why a simple clerical task such as cashing my cheque , putting the goods in a parcel and posting it should cost nearly 200% more .
16 Setting up a task involves more than just typing the job in a box and putting it onto your timescale .
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