Example sentences of "in [art] [noun sg] [noun] where [art] " in BNC.

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1 He , he , he leaped onto somebody in the goal mouth where the post was and i , he turned on a , off the other way in the post , and he landed like that and
2 The two-way , interactive nature of Prestel has been shown above in the case studies where the Mailbox facilities were used to obtain information and learning materials .
3 At the end of the Mass there is a touching prayer as men go out into the world linking the sacrament of the one bread which binds all men in God with the bread and ale of human meeting : In the bidding prayers where the priest directs the people to pray and tells them what to pray for , probably after the offering and the anthem , again attention is directed to all estates of society , living and dead , including religious , both monastic and secular .
4 and we were geared more to progress in the education system where the industrial change in the other countries did n't happen at the same time and that they needed now a younger ag a younger age group to keep the , the industrial system going
5 If the securities are to be listed in the member state where the issuer has its registered office , the listing particulars must be drawn up under the laws of , and approved by , the competent authority in that member state .
6 Since 1 January 1993 , those services described in Sch 3 , VATA 1983 , supplied to non-EC recipients , are supplied in the country where the recipient belongs , and fall outside the scope of UK VAT ; supplies to EC recipients for the purpose of the recipient 's VAT registered business are supplied in the member state where the recipient belongs , and are outside the scope of UK VAT ; and supplies to EC recipients for other purposes are supplied in the UK and are subject to standard-rated VAT .
7 It was only in the typesetting world where the relentless march of Adobe was held back .
8 ( The floods , incidentally , are increasingly catastrophic because of the poor or non-existent conservation policy in the catchment areas where the forests have been recklessly and wantonly felled .
9 Sequencing is at its most important in the interview situation where the respondent can not ‘ look ahead ’ ; but , whatever the method of data collection , it is sound policy for questionnaire designers to give some thought to this aspect both to clarify their own thinking and to simplify the respondent 's task .
10 The recesses in the pillbox floors where the guns would have fitted are still there today .
11 In front of me I can see one link in the town centre where the improvement would only be twenty one percent .
12 The induction in the core is magnified by the high permeability , except in the saturation regions where the result can be seen to be a trapezoidal induction waveform ( Fig. 3 ) .
13 The distal humerus and proximal tibia and femur are preferentially preserved in the predator assemblages where the greatest breakage overall occurs , while the species that do little damage to the bone cluster near the origin .
14 I did think of going down to Syon House but remembered Benjamin 's instructions never to approach Johanna without him being present for she dwelt in a twilight world where every man , except Benjamin , was her seducer .
15 It 's better to control that reaction in a playback session where the focus is on other aspects of learner performance .
16 The discovery of deaf tutors in a sign language class causes a review of the concept of ‘ the deaf ’ as disabled , since for the first time the student may be in a learning situation where the person whom he feels he should be helping is actually shown to be more competent than he is .
17 The story behind the featured tale of Michelle Shaw 's tank was that she was sold a four footer in 4mm glass which stood on what appeared to be a not very sturdy stand , in an upstairs rooms where the floor was likely to be less stable than downstairs .
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