Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In particular , the Khmer Rouge delegation had strongly objected to demands by the Phnom Penh government and the Vietnamese delegation that a sentence be included in the final statement referring to the " non-return of the genocidal policies and practices of the Pol Pot [ Khmer Rouge ] regime " .
2 Candidates are advised to make application for the above courses in the normal manner indicating in Section 6(i) of the application form that they wish to apply for an ESF training grant .
3 Among the half century of steam locomotive development contained in the working locomotives going through their paces — subject to availability — will be a rear Yugoslavian ‘ Yankee Tank ’ rescued from the newly independent republic of Slovenia just hours before the start of the bitter civil war which is tragically still raging .
4 Because the puppets throw in the odd line pertaining to other locations in the dungeons .
5 Thoughts of escape were blotted out , consumed in the liquid fire flowing through her .
6 She put the baby in the small hammock hanging between branches in the shade by the hut , and came closer , put a hand to his cheek and stroked it .
7 Even more of Redford 's music exists in the great repertory-book belonging to Thomas Mulliner , possibly also of St. Paul 's and later at Oxford , more than half of which was probably copied between 1550 and 1560 .
8 Sometimes there is actual evidence of extensive roughly prepared axeheads ( as in the great outcrops towering above the Langdale Valley in the Lake District ) .
9 And his librettist , Alessandro Striggio , son of the composer , provided him with many more opportunities than Rinuccini to break up the recitative with musically attractive relief : extended madrigalian choruses and strophic solos such as Orfeo 's lilting ‘ Vi ricordo ’ in Act II ( accompanied only by continuo instruments , but with ritornelli played by five viole da braccio , a contrabass , two harpsichords , and three chitarroni ) , his display piece ‘ Possente spirto ’ in Act III ( accompanied by organo di legno and a chitarrone , but in the four stanzas competing with brilliant concertante parts for two violini , then two cornetti , a double-harp , and finally a string trio ) , and his swinging ‘ Qual honor ’ in Act IV ( varied strophes for the voice over an ostinato bass ) .
10 Lucenzo cast off , heading the boat towards a lovely little island ahead , set in an expanse of flat water , shining like a silver sheet in the weak sun breaking through the mist .
11 When the Bill was introduced into Parliament in December 1985 , it made some important but relatively minor adjustments in the pre-existing law relating to racial hatred offences .
12 That 's all I 've been able to do all afternoon , sit here like bloody Mariana in the moated grange waiting for the telephone to ring .
13 As I sat in the graceful room looking at Mrs Rumney , cool , poised , tranquil , with the little white creature resting on her knee I could n't help feeling how right and fitting the whole scene was .
14 Despite attempts to glamorise those who died fulfilling their ‘ internationalist duty ’ in Afghanistan , there were many letters in the Soviet press complaining of the one-sided treatment of the war that had been provided in the Soviet media and of the failure to make proper provision for the wounded on their return to the USSR .
15 On Sunday , the determined Four Marks ace scorched to a stunning hat-trick of ‘ A ’ group wins in the Southern Club meeting at Elvetham .
16 The population of Korea averaged around eight million during the Yi era but increased rapidly in the twentieth century growing from approximately ten million in 1900 to about thirty million in 1949 .
17 ( The ‘ on decay ’ aspect is significant , encapsulating a cynical view of life , not least in the shattered security resulting from his father 's death . )
18 UN peacekeepers in Cambodia said they expect Khmer Rouge guerrillas to attack polling stations in the general election starting on May 23rd .
19 Thirdly , what would be the place of such a national German entity in the military-political structures existing on our continent ?
20 In the event of a change in the standard terms applying to the Insurers ' usual forms of Household Buildings insurances the Society will be notified and this notice will be deemed to be sufficient notification in respect of all such policies as may be subject to this Agreement .
21 John Sculley at Apple Computer Inc is another name that has been canvassed , and he is the exception that proves the rule that an outsider ca n't run a computer company , but he came in fascinated by the business and devoted all his efforts in the early days learning about it for himself rather than relying on his minions , something no-one taking over IBM now has time to do .
22 A number of the pictures place the model in the traditional pose reclining on a bed or sofa .
23 Tom O'Neill was in the outer office looking at one of the pictures that lines the walls — Rena , Hugo 's favourite house model , wearing a loose cut trench coat over a tailored shirt and doe-skin pants .
24 Thereafter , political authority resided in the bicameral legislature consisting of a 396-seat National Assembly ( including nine distributed among nominated members of the national minorities ) and a 119-seats Senate .
25 Andrée stood in the round room looking at the books with a mixture of curiosity and distaste .
26 ‘ It 's not every day that a man gets up and finds one of the most gorgeous creatures in the western hemisphere spooning in the cornflakes at the breakfast table , ’ said Leo .
27 It can be destructive as we see in the black humour centring round the image of the Jewish mother who with her tears blackmails her son 's emotional life .
28 Significantly , there is no provision ( yet ) in the European Convention corresponding to Article 25 of the UN Declaration .
29 In the five interesting events the detectors of UAI show a track in the central detector leading to a single cell in the electromagnetic calorimeter , which picks up a lot of energy .
30 The advantages of being able to run baits out to any spot within range of your radio signal are obvious even to an objector and to sit on a reservoir bank as electro-man catches pike on free-lined herrings at 200 yards , whilst my weapon hangs limp in the still air waiting for a stiff breeze has been frustrating .
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